When it comes to penis enhancement there are really only 2 alternatives.
What's that? I can hear you saying - "that's not so"! With 5 minutes research on Google you could probably name for me up to 6 methods, maybe even more, but they all boil down to 2 alternatives in the end.
They are: Pills to make your penis bigger Natural penis enhancement Using Pills To Make Your Penis Bigger Actually this category of penis enhancement solutions isn't just limited to pills.
It actually includes a whole family of products including pills, gels, patches and creams.
No matter how you choose to administer the treatment, these methods all involve using chemicals (either pharmaceutical or herbal) to stimulate penis growth.
Can a pill really make your penis bigger permanently? The answer to this is a resounding "no".
Don't get me wrong, pills from reputable companies can have their place in a penis enhancement system but just popping a pill once or twice a day will not increase your size.
These products will promote more blood flow to your member.
This will not only help you get erections but it will also make it easier for the cells of your penis to split and grow when stimuli is applied such as stretching but without the stimulus and just the pill, you won't get any permanent gains.
Pills and similar products have unfortunately given the whole issue of penis enhancement a bad name over the years as many of these products have been shown to contain harmful ingredients including pesticides, yeast, bacteria and mould.
While it would be unfair to the few reputable companies that do exist to say that all pills are scams, it is up to the informed consumer to decide if $100 per month for penis pills is worth the expense when they do little to achieve your true goal, ie.
Making your penis bigger.
Natural Penis Enhancement This form of enlargement refers to making your penis bigger through the use of devices or exercises.
Usually they are used in combination to deliver the best results and most medically endorsed devices come with a tailored exercise program as part of the package.
A device (commonly called an extender or stretcher or traction device) is a lightweight frame that is worn on the penis whilst flaccid.
It is usually worn for between 5-8 hours and has the effect of applying a gentle stretching force to cause the cells of your member to split and grow.
More cells = a bigger penis in both the flaccid and erect states.
The exercises teach you to have greater control over your new longer member as it grows.
Extenders have come along way since they first hit the market around 15 years ago.
Today the smart consumer can take advantage of medically endorsed Type 1 devices that have been clinically proven to be successful for 97% of users.
Gone are the days when penis enhancement products were fantasy items advertised in porn magazines.
Real and safe penis enlargement is possible but you need to do your research and choose companies with reputable products that have proven themselves.
What's that? I can hear you saying - "that's not so"! With 5 minutes research on Google you could probably name for me up to 6 methods, maybe even more, but they all boil down to 2 alternatives in the end.
They are: Pills to make your penis bigger Natural penis enhancement Using Pills To Make Your Penis Bigger Actually this category of penis enhancement solutions isn't just limited to pills.
It actually includes a whole family of products including pills, gels, patches and creams.
No matter how you choose to administer the treatment, these methods all involve using chemicals (either pharmaceutical or herbal) to stimulate penis growth.
Can a pill really make your penis bigger permanently? The answer to this is a resounding "no".
Don't get me wrong, pills from reputable companies can have their place in a penis enhancement system but just popping a pill once or twice a day will not increase your size.
These products will promote more blood flow to your member.
This will not only help you get erections but it will also make it easier for the cells of your penis to split and grow when stimuli is applied such as stretching but without the stimulus and just the pill, you won't get any permanent gains.
Pills and similar products have unfortunately given the whole issue of penis enhancement a bad name over the years as many of these products have been shown to contain harmful ingredients including pesticides, yeast, bacteria and mould.
While it would be unfair to the few reputable companies that do exist to say that all pills are scams, it is up to the informed consumer to decide if $100 per month for penis pills is worth the expense when they do little to achieve your true goal, ie.
Making your penis bigger.
Natural Penis Enhancement This form of enlargement refers to making your penis bigger through the use of devices or exercises.
Usually they are used in combination to deliver the best results and most medically endorsed devices come with a tailored exercise program as part of the package.
A device (commonly called an extender or stretcher or traction device) is a lightweight frame that is worn on the penis whilst flaccid.
It is usually worn for between 5-8 hours and has the effect of applying a gentle stretching force to cause the cells of your member to split and grow.
More cells = a bigger penis in both the flaccid and erect states.
The exercises teach you to have greater control over your new longer member as it grows.
Extenders have come along way since they first hit the market around 15 years ago.
Today the smart consumer can take advantage of medically endorsed Type 1 devices that have been clinically proven to be successful for 97% of users.
Gone are the days when penis enhancement products were fantasy items advertised in porn magazines.
Real and safe penis enlargement is possible but you need to do your research and choose companies with reputable products that have proven themselves.