One of the most uncomfortable and unwanted sufferings one has to go through has to be contracting yeast infections. No matter where they are, yeast infections are, at the very least, uncomfortable. Given their nature, admitting you have one is notably unflattering to your image of personal hygiene as yeast infections thrive in moist, dark areas of the body. Read on and you will see the different yeast infection cures available today.
With modern medicine, you can resort to yeast infection medication to rid these pesky growths. If the outbursts are not too severe, using homemade remedies to cure yeast infections is fairly common and safe. The former is often used in more serious and expansive infections to prevent them from recurring permanently. Home remedies are great if you are too embarrassed to own up to having some kind of yeast infection in your system and work just as well, sometimes even better as they usually do not leave any scars.
Of all the home remedies, one in particular stands out – garlic. In any form – digested or rubbed on – garlic is proven to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective, yeast infection cures. Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in any one area and if there is one thing that they hate, it is garlic! This is good news for you because garlic is both cheap and easily accessible. On top of that, it can be applied, swallowed in pill form or drunk. This means no one has to know you are trying to cure yeast infections unless you decide to tell them!
Here are some ways garlic has been used as a home remedy:
Yogurt works just as well as garlic, albeit a little yuckier. For more "inconvenient" areas like the vagina and anus, soak a tampon into yogurt and insert into the affected body part. Otherwise, rub yogurt onto your skin. A point to note here is that the yogurt used must be unsweetened and unflavored. Otherwise, you would only aggravate the situation with an even more conducive environment for the yeast infection.
Another popular way to cure yeast infections is with vinegar. Much like garlic, vinegar is another big no-no for the irritating fungi. The only downside to using this above garlic is that it is a lot stronger which means there will be some kind of burning sensation. Depending on your pain threshold, some people may describe it as a mild burning sensation while others will swear it is even worse than the yeast infection itself.
Water also works wonders for clearing yeast infection. It helps flush out toxins in the system and dilutes body chemicals to restore them to their appropriate levels naturally. This means flushing out excess sugars within your body which the yeast feeds on, thus reducing their food source and containing their growth. The old folks who used to tell us to drink six to eight glasses of water a day definitely knew what they were talking about!
For more severe outbreaks, yeast infection medication may have to be resorted to. Stronger versions will have to be prescribed while milder ones can usually be bought over the shelf. Like all medicines, unless you know for sure it is a yeast infection and not any other skin ailment, it still is better to consult a doctor beforehand so you can rule out common allergies.
Article by Sarah Lomas of, a website with the best <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725683');" href="/links/?u=">home remedies for a yeast infection</a> and <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725683');" href="/links/?u=">how to get rid of candida</a> information on the web.
With modern medicine, you can resort to yeast infection medication to rid these pesky growths. If the outbursts are not too severe, using homemade remedies to cure yeast infections is fairly common and safe. The former is often used in more serious and expansive infections to prevent them from recurring permanently. Home remedies are great if you are too embarrassed to own up to having some kind of yeast infection in your system and work just as well, sometimes even better as they usually do not leave any scars.
Of all the home remedies, one in particular stands out – garlic. In any form – digested or rubbed on – garlic is proven to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective, yeast infection cures. Yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in any one area and if there is one thing that they hate, it is garlic! This is good news for you because garlic is both cheap and easily accessible. On top of that, it can be applied, swallowed in pill form or drunk. This means no one has to know you are trying to cure yeast infections unless you decide to tell them!
Here are some ways garlic has been used as a home remedy:
- As garlic tabs or pills, garlic works well for those hard to reach places like those in the genitals. Those suffering from vaginal yeast infections or thrush, especially, will find this particular type of cure very convenient and painless. The best part is that you can feel its effects almost instantly – what a relief!
- If you are not averse to strong smells, press or smash a clove of garlic and dunk into water and drink up. This is an indirect method of ridding yeast infections from within your system. If you are the kind of have frequent recurrence, this is the best way you can reduce the frequency – much like taking vitamin supplements.
- Less common is a garlic rub-on. Try on less sensitive areas like below the breasts and abdomen. Some people with more sensitive skin may find these a little warm to the touch so it is best to use these homemade creams on "open" spots.
Yogurt works just as well as garlic, albeit a little yuckier. For more "inconvenient" areas like the vagina and anus, soak a tampon into yogurt and insert into the affected body part. Otherwise, rub yogurt onto your skin. A point to note here is that the yogurt used must be unsweetened and unflavored. Otherwise, you would only aggravate the situation with an even more conducive environment for the yeast infection.
Another popular way to cure yeast infections is with vinegar. Much like garlic, vinegar is another big no-no for the irritating fungi. The only downside to using this above garlic is that it is a lot stronger which means there will be some kind of burning sensation. Depending on your pain threshold, some people may describe it as a mild burning sensation while others will swear it is even worse than the yeast infection itself.
Water also works wonders for clearing yeast infection. It helps flush out toxins in the system and dilutes body chemicals to restore them to their appropriate levels naturally. This means flushing out excess sugars within your body which the yeast feeds on, thus reducing their food source and containing their growth. The old folks who used to tell us to drink six to eight glasses of water a day definitely knew what they were talking about!
For more severe outbreaks, yeast infection medication may have to be resorted to. Stronger versions will have to be prescribed while milder ones can usually be bought over the shelf. Like all medicines, unless you know for sure it is a yeast infection and not any other skin ailment, it still is better to consult a doctor beforehand so you can rule out common allergies.
Article by Sarah Lomas of, a website with the best <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725683');" href="/links/?u=">home remedies for a yeast infection</a> and <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/3725683');" href="/links/?u=">how to get rid of candida</a> information on the web.