Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Avoid Fast Weight Loss Diet Plans Like the Plague

If you keep up on current events you are likely to notice that at least once or twice a year a new "revolutionary diet" comes on the market.
These diets promise that you will lose significant amounts of weight in record time.
While it may be true that you can lose a large amount of weight quickly the bad news is that with these diets you will, in all certainty, gain the weight back plus possibly additional weight when you began to eat normal foods again.
Most of these diets are outright scams that play on the emotions of individuals who are dying to lose weight but simply cannot figure out how to do it on their own.
These scam diets are very convincing because they employ professional copywriters and they use attractive videos that are difficult to pass up.
My advice is to avoid these programs at all cost.
It is unhealthy to lose weight rapidly.
If you're losing 20 pounds in 20 days you are in essence starving your body of essential nutrients that it needs to perform properly.
Once the 20-day diet is over your body will react to make up to 20 pounds and more because it has sensed that starvation may come again and it needs the extra weight to protect itself against starvation.
The human body is a finely tuned machine and has been refined through millennia to react to periods of feast and famine.
In times of famine our ancestors gained weight so that they could survive the periods of famine that were sure to come.
However, today every day is a feast and therefore if you artificially induce your body to think that it is starving it will rebel and you will end up fatter than you were before you went on these crazy diets.
The only healthy way to lose weight is a slow and steady weight loss of about 1/2 pound per week.
If you alter your diet in such a way that you're only losing this amount of weight weekly your body will not rebel against this loss because you will still be providing the necessary nutrients for your body to function normally during this type of weight loss program.
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