There's no doubt you've seen or read about them - He's a man's man and he's capable of having sex for hours upon hours and only having an ejaculation when he intends to.
Why can't we all be made this way? Truth is...
these men are a great minority.
A lot of men suffer from a problem known as premature ejaculation, but fortunately there are premature ejaculation remedies that can help with this problem.
Many studies have been done that have focused on the male ejaculation.
One recent study has found that 21% of guys would orgasm within 1 minute after beginning sexual activity.
Another 62% of men would only last between 1 to 5 minutes.
Somewhere between 30 to 70% of all men will experience premature ejaculation at some point in their life.
PE has been defined by the ISSM as an ejaculation experienced within 1 minute of vaginal penetration.
If you fit into this category or something different you should know that there are solutions.
Some of the premature ejaculation remedies available to treat this problem often involve prescription therapy, which can often have side-effects.
However, there are traditional, time tested methods that are natural and completely safe.
For example, there are a variety of herbs and exercises that can have a profound impact on premature ejaculation.
For this article we'll focus on the benefits of some of these.
It's important to remember that premature ejaculation is often associated with low self-esteem.
You can feel better about yourself as a person and enhance your well-being with exercise.
As a result, you will see a big improvement in your performance in the bedroom.
Also, there are a number of relaxation techniques to use that will help you release built up tension and nervousness.
For thousands of years people have used meditation to relax and build a loving relationship with yourself.
Of all the premature ejaculation remedies, this is one you can use at any time.
With meditation you can gain new perspective to the real reasons behind your PE problems.
Around the world different cultures have used exercise to strengthen a man's vitality.
This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years.
For example, yoga and Chinese Taoist techniques have been used to improve on sexual potency.
The safest way to treat premature ejaculation with a long term solution you can live with is through many of these exercise techniques.
There are a number of exercises you can try that will have beneficial results; however, the ultimate outcome from any exercise routine will be an increased awareness and control of your body.
Once you've targeted and isolated the key muscles necessary for performing an orgasm you'll have a much better chance at controlling the use of these muscles.
Imagine having an orgasm and not actually experiencing an ejaculation.
With this type of "mind-control" you'll be able to go non-stop if you desire and you will have done it in a safe, natural way.
Why can't we all be made this way? Truth is...
these men are a great minority.
A lot of men suffer from a problem known as premature ejaculation, but fortunately there are premature ejaculation remedies that can help with this problem.
Many studies have been done that have focused on the male ejaculation.
One recent study has found that 21% of guys would orgasm within 1 minute after beginning sexual activity.
Another 62% of men would only last between 1 to 5 minutes.
Somewhere between 30 to 70% of all men will experience premature ejaculation at some point in their life.
PE has been defined by the ISSM as an ejaculation experienced within 1 minute of vaginal penetration.
If you fit into this category or something different you should know that there are solutions.
Some of the premature ejaculation remedies available to treat this problem often involve prescription therapy, which can often have side-effects.
However, there are traditional, time tested methods that are natural and completely safe.
For example, there are a variety of herbs and exercises that can have a profound impact on premature ejaculation.
For this article we'll focus on the benefits of some of these.
It's important to remember that premature ejaculation is often associated with low self-esteem.
You can feel better about yourself as a person and enhance your well-being with exercise.
As a result, you will see a big improvement in your performance in the bedroom.
Also, there are a number of relaxation techniques to use that will help you release built up tension and nervousness.
For thousands of years people have used meditation to relax and build a loving relationship with yourself.
Of all the premature ejaculation remedies, this is one you can use at any time.
With meditation you can gain new perspective to the real reasons behind your PE problems.
Around the world different cultures have used exercise to strengthen a man's vitality.
This is nothing new, it's been going on for thousands of years.
For example, yoga and Chinese Taoist techniques have been used to improve on sexual potency.
The safest way to treat premature ejaculation with a long term solution you can live with is through many of these exercise techniques.
There are a number of exercises you can try that will have beneficial results; however, the ultimate outcome from any exercise routine will be an increased awareness and control of your body.
Once you've targeted and isolated the key muscles necessary for performing an orgasm you'll have a much better chance at controlling the use of these muscles.
Imagine having an orgasm and not actually experiencing an ejaculation.
With this type of "mind-control" you'll be able to go non-stop if you desire and you will have done it in a safe, natural way.