Business & Finance mortgage

How to Obtain a Mortgage for a Home in a Different State Before Getting a Job There

    • 1). Contact a mortgage broker in the state where you plan to move. Mortgage brokers act as liaisons between potential buyers and mortgage lenders. A licensed mortgage broker will need your personal information and can steer you towards the appropriate lender based in the state you're moving to.

    • 2). Research neighborhoods. You'll need to be informed of market values and neighborhoods that interest you. If you have an idea of which neighborhood you'd like to live in, this will help when you finally contact a realtor or buyer's agent in the state.

    • 3). Contact a buyer's agent. Buyer's agents work on behalf of purchasers by finding homes in the purchaser's price range and preferred neighborhoods. Avoid contacting a seller's agent, as seller's agents work on behalf of sellers by attempting to obtain the highest price for the seller's home.

    • 4). Save money. If you're not buying a home in another state for investing purposes, you'll still need the money for a down payment. Investors are often made to come up with larger down payments; however, if the house will be your primary residence, and your credit score is good, the amount of your down payment will likely be the same as if you were securing a mortgage in your home state.

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