Health & Medical Men's Health

Pearly Penile Papules, What Should I Be Concerned About?

Any unfamiliar bumps or changes to your penis is scary and many, if not most, men have a very difficult time discussing these issues.
You are concerned and wondering what is going on, what do I have, where did I get it and is it contagious, what is going to happen to my sex life? Pearly Penile Papules (PPP) is often mistaken for genital warts and can cause worry and psychological distress to those who develop it.
What makes it more difficult is that finding information online can be tedious and difficult.
Many who have developed PPP are in the dark about what they have, its effects and how to get rid of it.
For many, learning the condition they have is not harmful and not and STD is reassurance enough.
They simply learn to live with it until the papules eventually fade.
For others, this reassurance only goes so far.
Pearly Penile Papules can cause self-consciousness in men, making them avoid sexual contact out of embarrassment and fear of rejection.
PPP can affect self-esteem and social interaction.
They also cause an unpleasant sensation and discomfort in some men.
Below are the main things you should know about the effects caused by pearly penile papules.
PPP are small, flesh-colored skin tags or domes that form around the rim and underside of the tip of the penis.
They commonly appear in rows and do not cause any pain, itching or burning.
The condition affects about 25% of men, and are more common in men that have not been circumcised.
They only appear on the head of your penis, meaning that there are no risks of having this condition spread to other parts of your genital area or body.
PPP are considered a normal finding and they are totally harmless and not contagious in any way.
They are not a sexually transmitted disease (STD), therefore you could not have been "infected" by sexual contact - nor is there a risk of passing this onto your sexual partner.
You may feel discomfort and even pain when you have PPP.
This can have a profound psychological impact.
Your best bet is to overlook the feeling.
In time the discomfort will diminish and you will no longer be affected by those little bumps.
More than likely, the single biggest impact is that of self-esteem and self-confidence of the man who has to deal with PPP.
In many ways this is bigger than the possible physical issues, which as you can see are minimum.
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