Health & Medical Healthy Living

Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution

    Decibel Levels

    • Measured in decibels, noise levels often determine whether sounds are just noise or whether the racket is loud enough to be considered actual noise pollution. Anything more than 80 decibels can result in temporary hearing loss or damage. A subway train is 90 decibels. Being exposed to 95 or 105 decibels a day such as at a factory can spell long-term hearing loss -- soft sounds can become harder and harder to hear.

    Trees Reducing Noise

    • Planting a row of large shrubs or trees can help to reduce noise pollution. This happens for multiple reasons. Sound travels in waves, and trees can reduce noise by five to 10 decibels by themselves, in addition to the added benefits of the wind sound helping to drown out obnoxious sounds. Add in birds tweeting and a good row of trees can serve to reduce noise pollution from inconsiderate neighbors.

    Home Improvements

    • You can make many home improvements to help reduce noise pollution. Some steps are a bit obvious such as keeping the TV in a house turned off when you're not watching it. Replacing old water heaters or central air units with newer models often leads to less noise, and the same goes with household appliances. If all else fails, consider hiring a contractor who specializes in soundproofing.

    Masking It

    • Sometimes you won't be able to eliminate all noise pollution, but adding ambient noises to the home or playing soft and relaxing meditative music throughout the house can help. Even if it doesn't completely cover up the noise, this can help keep you from hearing much of the excess noise pollution and provide a more relaxing environment. This can make the noise much more manageable throughout the day.

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