Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Tips on How to Fill Out Press Release Forms

To improve public relations and attract more clients, press release is one of the marketing strategies being utilized.
Press release is often an overlooked strategy in web marketing.
A press release form is usually a mixture of advertising and writing an article about your company.
A good press release should be more objective rather than promotional and the format is like an interview.
Here are some tips and suggestions on how to fill out press release forms.
These are just basic guidelines and some fields or details may or may not be included in some forms.
Filling out the name of the event Every news or event should have a title or name such as "The ABC Cup" or "The Year-end Report of ABC.
" The name of the title or event should be short but descriptive.
The date/s of the event It is necessary to include the date and the day of the week on when the event will be held.
For example, write down "Sunday, June 20, 2010" or "Saturday-Sunday, June 20-21, 2010.
" 3.
The hour/s of the event It is important to specify the hours especially if there are different schedule hours for different event days.
The style to list down hours could be as follows: 10 am to 4 pm or 1 to 5 pm (1-5 pm).
Also, when the schedule is 12 pm, write down "noon".
If the time is 12 am, write down "midnight.
" 4.
Location of the event Write down the exact name and address of the venue.
Description of the event/news Inform the readers what the event/news is about.
Avoid using flowery words on how the event will turn out.
Also, avoid giving out specific information on what will happen during the event.
Admission or entrance fees Write down "Free" if there is no fee to enter the event.
Be specific to the admission or entrance fee of children, adults, seniors, etc.
Remember to also indicate the age range that is included for the children's fee.
Organization or company name Write down who is organizing the event.
Contact information phone number This is the number to contact when people have questions or inquiries about the events or news.
Your Full Name and Contact Phone Numbers Provide your complete name and contact information so that you can be contacted if there are questions about the press release.
Fax number Write it down if you have one.
Your e-mail address Write down your email address with the company if there's any or your personal email-address.
Organization or company website Write down the URL of your company's website.
Comments In this section, write down any additional information or suggestions that could improve the press release.
A powerful press release increases the credibility of a company.
Oftentimes, a company that increases its credibility also sees improvement in sales.
Customers or buyers also take a look on how broadcasters, columnists, reporters and reviewers see the company and its products.
So, it is important to always have a well-written press release in all company events and news.
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