Health & Medical Men's Health

The Best Enlargement Devices For Your Penis

Most penis enlargement devices for your penis use traction to achieve penis enlargement - a method recognized and approved by surgeons all over the world.
This is only dependable method of physical penis enlargement.
The most important thing you should be looking for when searching for an enlargement device for your penis is quality and safety.
Penis enlargement devices work by stretching the penis and over a period of time, the size increases.
Stretching continuously over time retains elasticity and changes shape, so, in a sense, penis enlargement devices work on the same principles as those behind natural penis growth.
Most devices comprise of a plastic ring connected to two metal rods, a plastic support and a silicone band to hold the glans of the penis in place.
A traction force of up to one and a half kilograms is then used on the penis to bring about penis enlargement.
So how do enlargement devices for your penis actually bring about a bigger penis? It does it through several processes.
Firstly, it increases cell renewal by the tissue in the penis.
This has the effect of increasing the length of the penis when flaccid and erect.
There is also an increase in girth.
However, most importantly, there is no effect on erection, ejaculation or performance.
It is commonly accepted that using a quality enlargement device for your penis is better than jelqing, one of the commonest manipulation methods of encouraging penis growth.
Many enlargement devices for your penis can be worn under clothing which is a great advantage when it comes to increasing your penis size.
Fastsize One of the most popular devices out there at the moment is Fastsize.
Fastsize has been proven to increase penis size by over an inch in less than six months.
It is also effective in correcting curves or bends in the penis.
SizeGenetics Extender SizeGenetics Extender works in the same way s Fastsize.
What's more a recent UK TV program investigating whether or not you could extend your penis using enlargement devices came to the conclusion that SizeGenetics Extender actually did work.
Furthermore, the SizeGenetics Extender is classified as a Type 1 Medical Device under the CE Health Certification Code in Europe.
The device works by applying traction over the whole length of the penis and can even be worn while you sleep.
X4 Extender The X4 Extender comes in a range of packages all designed to improve penis length and girth.
With medical backing and plenty of scientific backing, the X4 Extender has a lot going for it.
As mentioned earlier, all these enlargement devices work on the same basic principles, all you need to really consider, when it comes down to purchasing an enlargement device for your penis, is quality, safety and reputation.
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