Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Joint Venture Adviser Deals For Return

If you follow the easy steps below you can quickly be on your way to earning $500 per week or with a little more effort, $500 per day.

Step One

Identify your passions and hobbies so that you will not only make money with your brokering business, but enjoy working on it too! The first step in becoming a Joint Venture Broker is finding sites to broker for. Now this may take a little digging around at first but think of it this way, once you find a site to broker for you can be profiting from it for months if not years to come or go on So an hour or so effort in locating a cracking little site with a two tier affiliate program is a drop in the ocean compared to the rewards you can be reaping.

What gets you really pumped up and excited? What subject would you love your brokering business to be based around? You should be able to wake up and make that short walk to your home office with that excited feeling at what the day holds for you business wise.

Right, so I want to get your creative juices flowing with regards to your passions, hobbies and areas of expertise. List your answers to the following questions.

What are you interested in?

What are you passionate about?

Do you have a lot of knowledge about specific subjects or topics?

Do other people ask you for advice?

Now I know you're probably saying to yourself that you don't have any specialist knowledge. Don't worry, you most certainly do have some kind of knowledge or skill that you can turn into a hugely profitable home based business.

You simply need to stop and think about your life experiences. Create a list of all the jobs you've had. Do the same for all of the hobbies you've ever pursued, all the volunteer work you've done and all the subjects you have an interest in.

Ask yourself these questions

Do you play any sports or are there any sports you'd like to know more about?

If you won the lottery what activities would you spend your money on?

What web sites do you visit when you're just surfing the web for fun?

Are you a member of any forums or newsgroups?

Take a look through your book collection, are there any specialist books you own?

Do you have any specialist education or have you ever taken a class in a specialist subject like ceramic decoration for example?

Do you collect anything? If so what?

What television shows do you enjoy most? Are they in a specialist market?

Browse the magazine rack in your local bookstore.

Go to craft fairs and exhibitions and look out for these little niches you can exploit.

The reason I want you to start with a list of your passions and hobbies is because by starting off brokering deals on a subject you love will enable you to be even more motivated to get started. You can of course go after more lucrative markets once you are convinced that you can make money with this.

Find specific markets you can broker for from your list of passions and hobbies.

Step Two

Using clickbank drill down into a niche market and find an idea for the types of sites you want to broker for (If you haven't done so already in step one).

Step Three

Affiliate directories find a web site with a two tier affiliate program that matches the criteria I will outline shortly. There is absolutely nothing technical about this system whatsoever. In fact, this is probably the hardest part of becoming a Joint Venture Broker, and this couldn't be easier!

Remember we are looking for sites with two tier affiliate programmers. We also are looking for sites that:

Pay at least $10 commission per second tier sale (the higher the better. I certainly wouldn't go lower than $10 because it will be harder to broker deals and also harder to make the serious cash this system offers).
Preferably provides the marketer with ready to go marketing materials like email promotions, articles, adverts, banner ads etc
Has a "cookie tracking system" for their affiliate program which means that even if the marketers you try to broker deals with don't sign up on the day you contact them, but sign up months later, you still get credited for any sales they make months down the line.

Step Four

Again using clickbank start building up a list of site domain names of clickbank products in your market, saving the list of domain names in either Microsoft excel, word, notepad, or anywhere where you can save them.

Step Five

Go to your list of clickbank domain names and use the "Google: link" trick to find web sites already promoting products in the niche market you are brokering for. Add them to your list of site names. Now start contacting all of the site owners and try brokering deals. All this takes is an email (and possibly follow up emails).

Step Six

Using Google type in "(your niche market) ezine" to find tens of thousands of sites in your niche market that have ready made email lists to promote to. Start going through them and emailing them trying to broker deals and getting them to promote the site you are brokering for more details visit on This trick in itself would take you months to broker all the deals available, yet each and every deal could be worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars to you.

Step Seven

Use the "Google: related" and "google:allintitle" tricks to find even more perfect sites to contact and try and broker deals with.

(Optional) Step Eight

Once you see how much you can make selling other peoples products, create your own and go out in search of brokering deals for yourself!
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