Business & Finance Small Business

Starting A Small Business: The New Way to Make a Living

Since the time of our grandparents until about a few years ago, the most popular way to earn a living is to apply for a job and work as an employee for another person or company.
But recently, all that seems to be changing.
Instead of filling out job application forms and sending out resumes, many people are choosing to start their own small businesses as a primary way to generate income.
There are several reasons that can explain this current trend.
For starters, finding a decent paying job today, in light of the present economic recession, is quite a challenge.
Also, the automation of several industries has drastically dropped the number of job openings involving manual labor, which used to account for millions of jobs all over the world.
Today, only a single person is required to oversee the work done by a machine, which was traditionally done by as many as a hundred employees.
Another reason for the rapid increase in number of new small businesses is the advent of the Internet.
Ever since people realized just how easy it is to earn money simply by selling products or services online, many of them quit their dreary office jobs in favor of putting up an online store.
As a matter of fact, majority of small businesses that have been registered in the last couple of years are being run online, usually by individuals, right from inside their own homes.
Furthermore, people are putting greater importance on independence and self-reliance, which makes putting up a business a lot more appealing than working for someone else just to make money.
According to informal surveys, people say that it is a significant boost to their self-esteem to be running their own business instead of having to report to a superior at all times.
Many young people today are setting their sights on starting a business as soon as they graduate.
This can be seen in the way students are choosing their majors these days, with more of them leaning towards business management and related courses instead of other specialized fields.
Managing a small business has a lot of advantages over working at a traditional office job.
In terms of convenience alone, small businesses win hands down.
Just imagine, if you own a small business that is mostly online, you don't have to dress up and travel several miles a day just to get to work.
All you have to do is turn on your computer and you're already in your office, all set to work for the day.
In fact, you don't even need to turn on the computer if you don't want to, since most Internet-based small business are so automated that they practically manage themselves.
With all these advantages, it is easy to see that small businesses are not just a passing trend but are, in fact, the new norm when it comes to earning a living.
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