The word itself is alarming.
It sounds like a death sentence.
In many cases, it is.
But it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.
The topic of cancer is so large that we will take at least three or four articles to even begin to touch on the main points.
Like any other illness, the more you know about it, the better you'll be able to deal with it.
For example, how much did you know about your own health issues before they touched your life personally?What would you have done differently in your life if you knew that it would prevent the problem from happening?Would you have been willing to make the changes?I imagine that you would.
You have that opportunity with cancer.
In a series of articles, we'll cover not only the natural health therapies for cancer but the lifestyle changes that help prevent cancer as well.
The increase in the rate of cancer is amazing.
A hundred years ago, 1 in 33 people had cancer; today, 1 in 3 people either have cancer or will develop it.
Statistics show that one American life is lost to cancer every 45 seconds.
There is no other topic in medicine that has such urgency.
So, exactly what is cancer?Basically, it is nature gone overboard.
Healthy cells stop functioning properly for a variety of reasons and then begin to reproduce damaged copies of themselves.
The natural process of cells multiplying becomes accelerated because these new mutant cells are not regulated by the body's normal controls.
In addition, the life span of these cells is not controlled any longer, meaning that cancer cells become virtually immortal.
There are types and stages of cancer.
Of the 150 different types of cancer, there are 5 major groups: o Carcinomas - solid tumors from cells in the surface of the mouth, nose, throat, lung airways, skin, GI tract, GU tract, breast, and thyroid.
Lung, prostate, stomach, skin, colon, and breast cancers are in this type.
o Sarcomas - solid tumor from bones, fat, and other soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, abdomen, heart, central nervous system, and blood vessels.
These are the most rare and most deadly of solid tumors.
o Leukemias - a blood-borne cancer type characterized by an abnormal production of white blood cells.
o Lymphomas - solid masses of abnormal white blood cells concentrated in the lymph system.
Examples of this type of cancer include Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
o Myelomas - rare tumors from antibody-producing or blood cell-producing areas in the bone marrow.
Cancer is often described by what stage it is in.
Staging in cancer refers to a scale used to determine amount of cancer, its location, size, and degree of containment.
The four different levels listed below describe the stages of cancer.
o Stage I - earliest, most curable stage.
Local tumor only.
o Stage II - some spreading of cancer to surrounding tissue and maybe nearby lymph nodes.
o Stage III - involves spreading to distant lymph nodes o Stage IV - most advanced, least easily cured.
Cancer has spread to distant organs.
Why do some people get cancer and others don't?What is the trigger that turns these healthy cells into mutants?What causes cancer?There are at least 33 contributing causes, according to various researchers.
Each of these factors could be an article in itself so I'll just provide you with the list for now.
With this information, you can easily research these contributing items to increase your cancer knowledge.
The factors that can contribute to cancer are: 1.
Sunlight 2.
Nuclear Radiation 3.
Pesticide/Herbicide Residues 4.
Industrial Toxins 5.
Polluted Water 6.
Tobacco and Smoking 7.
Chronic Electromagnetic Field Exposure 8.
Hormone Therapies 9.
Immune-Suppressive Drugs 10.
Irradiated Foods 11.
Food Additives 12.
Mercury Toxicity 13.
Dental Factors 14.
Chronic Stress 15.
Depressed Thyroid Action 16.
Intestinal Toxicity and Digestive Impairment 17.
Parasites 18.
Viruses 19.
Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies 20.
Nerve Interference Fields 21.
Toxic Emotions 22.
Blocked Detoxification Pathways 23.
Chlorinated Water 24.
Fluoridated Water 25.
Ionizing Radiation 26.
Geopathic Stress 27.
Sick Building Syndrome 28.
Free Radicals 29.
Cellular Oxygen Deficiency 30.
Cellular Terrain 31.
Oncogenes 32.
Genetic Predisposition 33.
Miasm Now that we have a little background knowledge on cancer, we will begin to cover a wide range of clinically proven natural health therapies that can be helpful for people with various forms of cancer.
Each of these types of complementary medicine has a wealth of scientific research available for review, thanks to the ongoing research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In addition, each of the therapies is currently available through physicians with outstanding medical backgrounds.
The bottom line is that all of the cancer therapies that I will discuss in the next few articles are valid and have been documented in scientific literature.
In upcoming articles, we will explore the use of the following methods for cancer therapy supported by scientific evidence: o Nutrition - Dietary changes and Anti-Cancer Nutritional Supplements o Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements o Innovative Anti-Cancer Substances o Physical Support Therapies - Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, Water Therapy, Heat Therapy, Bodywork/Therapeutic Massage/Exercise, Qi Gong o Energy Support Therapies - Electrodermal Screening, Magnetic Therapy, Light Therapy In closing, please remember that early detection and prevention is the key to beating cancer.
Here are the 8 Early Warning Signs for Cancer.
If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, contact your physician immediately.
A Lump in the Breast or Testicles.
A Change in a Wart or Mole.
A Skin Sore or Sore Throat that Does Not Heal.
A Change in Bowel or Bladder Habits.
A Persistent Cough or Coughing Blood.
Constant Indigestion or Trouble Swallowing 7.
Unusual Bleeding or Vaginal Discharge 8.
Chronic Fatigue
The word itself is alarming.
It sounds like a death sentence.
In many cases, it is.
But it doesn't necessarily have to be that way.
The topic of cancer is so large that we will take at least three or four articles to even begin to touch on the main points.
Like any other illness, the more you know about it, the better you'll be able to deal with it.
For example, how much did you know about your own health issues before they touched your life personally?What would you have done differently in your life if you knew that it would prevent the problem from happening?Would you have been willing to make the changes?I imagine that you would.
You have that opportunity with cancer.
In a series of articles, we'll cover not only the natural health therapies for cancer but the lifestyle changes that help prevent cancer as well.
The increase in the rate of cancer is amazing.
A hundred years ago, 1 in 33 people had cancer; today, 1 in 3 people either have cancer or will develop it.
Statistics show that one American life is lost to cancer every 45 seconds.
There is no other topic in medicine that has such urgency.
So, exactly what is cancer?Basically, it is nature gone overboard.
Healthy cells stop functioning properly for a variety of reasons and then begin to reproduce damaged copies of themselves.
The natural process of cells multiplying becomes accelerated because these new mutant cells are not regulated by the body's normal controls.
In addition, the life span of these cells is not controlled any longer, meaning that cancer cells become virtually immortal.
There are types and stages of cancer.
Of the 150 different types of cancer, there are 5 major groups: o Carcinomas - solid tumors from cells in the surface of the mouth, nose, throat, lung airways, skin, GI tract, GU tract, breast, and thyroid.
Lung, prostate, stomach, skin, colon, and breast cancers are in this type.
o Sarcomas - solid tumor from bones, fat, and other soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, abdomen, heart, central nervous system, and blood vessels.
These are the most rare and most deadly of solid tumors.
o Leukemias - a blood-borne cancer type characterized by an abnormal production of white blood cells.
o Lymphomas - solid masses of abnormal white blood cells concentrated in the lymph system.
Examples of this type of cancer include Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
o Myelomas - rare tumors from antibody-producing or blood cell-producing areas in the bone marrow.
Cancer is often described by what stage it is in.
Staging in cancer refers to a scale used to determine amount of cancer, its location, size, and degree of containment.
The four different levels listed below describe the stages of cancer.
o Stage I - earliest, most curable stage.
Local tumor only.
o Stage II - some spreading of cancer to surrounding tissue and maybe nearby lymph nodes.
o Stage III - involves spreading to distant lymph nodes o Stage IV - most advanced, least easily cured.
Cancer has spread to distant organs.
Why do some people get cancer and others don't?What is the trigger that turns these healthy cells into mutants?What causes cancer?There are at least 33 contributing causes, according to various researchers.
Each of these factors could be an article in itself so I'll just provide you with the list for now.
With this information, you can easily research these contributing items to increase your cancer knowledge.
The factors that can contribute to cancer are: 1.
Sunlight 2.
Nuclear Radiation 3.
Pesticide/Herbicide Residues 4.
Industrial Toxins 5.
Polluted Water 6.
Tobacco and Smoking 7.
Chronic Electromagnetic Field Exposure 8.
Hormone Therapies 9.
Immune-Suppressive Drugs 10.
Irradiated Foods 11.
Food Additives 12.
Mercury Toxicity 13.
Dental Factors 14.
Chronic Stress 15.
Depressed Thyroid Action 16.
Intestinal Toxicity and Digestive Impairment 17.
Parasites 18.
Viruses 19.
Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies 20.
Nerve Interference Fields 21.
Toxic Emotions 22.
Blocked Detoxification Pathways 23.
Chlorinated Water 24.
Fluoridated Water 25.
Ionizing Radiation 26.
Geopathic Stress 27.
Sick Building Syndrome 28.
Free Radicals 29.
Cellular Oxygen Deficiency 30.
Cellular Terrain 31.
Oncogenes 32.
Genetic Predisposition 33.
Miasm Now that we have a little background knowledge on cancer, we will begin to cover a wide range of clinically proven natural health therapies that can be helpful for people with various forms of cancer.
Each of these types of complementary medicine has a wealth of scientific research available for review, thanks to the ongoing research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
In addition, each of the therapies is currently available through physicians with outstanding medical backgrounds.
The bottom line is that all of the cancer therapies that I will discuss in the next few articles are valid and have been documented in scientific literature.
In upcoming articles, we will explore the use of the following methods for cancer therapy supported by scientific evidence: o Nutrition - Dietary changes and Anti-Cancer Nutritional Supplements o Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements o Innovative Anti-Cancer Substances o Physical Support Therapies - Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, Water Therapy, Heat Therapy, Bodywork/Therapeutic Massage/Exercise, Qi Gong o Energy Support Therapies - Electrodermal Screening, Magnetic Therapy, Light Therapy In closing, please remember that early detection and prevention is the key to beating cancer.
Here are the 8 Early Warning Signs for Cancer.
If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, contact your physician immediately.
A Lump in the Breast or Testicles.
A Change in a Wart or Mole.
A Skin Sore or Sore Throat that Does Not Heal.
A Change in Bowel or Bladder Habits.
A Persistent Cough or Coughing Blood.
Constant Indigestion or Trouble Swallowing 7.
Unusual Bleeding or Vaginal Discharge 8.
Chronic Fatigue