Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Dr. Jeremy B. White Aventura Plastic Surgeon Interview On Techniques To Minimize Recovery Times

Jeremy White, Aventura Florida plastic surgeon is trained in both plastic surgery of the entire body as well as otolaryngology.
Otolaryngology focuses on cosmetic and reconstructive challenges in the head and neck.
This dual training allows Dr.
White to approach Plastic Surgery with a unique prospective.
According to Dr.
White: "I strive to use state-of-the-art ideas with minimally invasive approaches to help patients achieve their natural appearing cosmetic goals while minimizing downtime".
Today Dr.
White will discuss a subject near and dear to his heart - plastic surgery techniques and improvements that allow minimal recovery time for patients.
White, thanks so much for joining me today to discuss recent improvements in plastic surgery to minimize recovery time.
WHITE: Thanks for having me.
ALEX: Doctor, what are some of the most common reasons you find that people are interested in plastic surgery? Cosmetic surgery in the U.
is growing at a rapid pace.
WHITE: Most people come to my office because they have been referred by other doctors or friends.
They are often concerned about the appearance of their nose.
This can range from a bump on the dorsum to a wide tip and a multitude of other aesthetic concerns.
Half the time, they have some concern about the ability to breathe through the nose, which is something that I address in each case.
Often the reason they come to me is that I have dual residency training in ENT and plastic surgery - which is a rare combination.
I understand both the aesthetic and functional aspects of a nose.
Many women come to my office because they are seeking facial rejuvenation.
In the Miami area in particular sun damage takes its toll on the skin.
As people age, they start to notice jowls along the jaw line and deepening wrinkles.
This occurs not only because people start to lose skin elasticity, but also facial fat volume and bone support to facial structures as well.
I address this with a combination of a face and neck lift with either fat or a hyaluronic acid filler.
South Florida is very much about the beach culture.
Many men and women come to see me because they want to look better in a swimsuit or just get rid of a troublesome area of fat that no matter how much they diet or exercise, it just won't go away.
Liposuction is a fantastic tool to help get rid of these bulges and contour the body.
Some women complain that they were born with a flat chest while others lament that their breasts were fuller before they had children.
In the first case, breast augmentation with breast implants, and in the latter category, a procedure that combines breast augmentation with a breast lift will help these women to achieve these cosmetic goals.
The tummy pooch that just won't go away after having a baby or after having massive weight loss can also often be addressed with a tummy tuck.
The scar from this procedure can be nicely hidden within the bikini line.
Liposuction is an excellent tool as well to get rid of local fat deposits either alone or in combination with a tummy tuck.
In 2012, the most popular cosmetic surgeries around the country were breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, cosmetic eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty.
My practice has reflected this as well.
ALEX: Would you mind telling us about your outlook on the plastic surgery industry? Are you seeing any exciting advancements on the horizon? DR.
WHITE: Absolutely.
This is one of the reasons why I love plastic surgery so much.
The field is constantly evolving.
A lot of the latest developments have focused on new technologies that can shrink fat and tighten skin.
Zeltiq for instance, is a device that freezes the fat non-invasively and causes up to 20% of the fat to undergo programmed cell death.
This can translate into a thinner waste line, but the results are usually more subtle than those that can be achieved with liposuction.
There are also a multitude of lasers, ultrasound and RFD's (Radio Frequency Devices) that can help to tighten skin as well in patients with fine wrinkles.
There is a multitude of new silicone breast implants that have just recently become available in the U.
The general theme for these is a more cohesive gel that holds its shape better with more projection and less rippling.
Many companies have also come out with tear-drop, "anatomic" shaped implants with the hope that these will yield more natural appearing breast shapes.
One of the more interesting recent advancements is a product called Laviv.
This is a product that allows you to harvest a patients fibroblast skin cells from behind the ear, and then you multiply them in the lab, then you re-inject them into wrinkles and depressed scars.
Although the company can only say that the product lasts 6-12 months like other fillers, some physicians have reported it to last much longer.
To me, that would make a lot of sense considering that these are live cells.
In the same vein, there is a lot of research looking at the fat cells to get them to survive better after being transferred from one to another.
This is one of the downsides to using fat in the face.
I sometimes need to over-inject with the assumption that some of the fat will not take as a graft.
In the case of buttock enhancements, which are quite common in South Florida, not everyone has a large amount of fat on the body for harvest.
Ultimately, I predict that in the future, we will be able to develop systems to replicate these fat cells (like we do with the Laviv now) outside of the body when it's needed in great volume and then deliver them to precisely targeted areas to enhance the buttocks and even the breasts safely and efficiently.
The field of tissue engineering has already made great strides in reconstructive surgery and, once it becomes more common-place and affordable, I could imagine being able to grow, for instance, an entirely new nose in a lab from a patient's stem cells.
Although it may sound far-fetched right now, I think that gene therapy for beauty will someday be a reality as well.
ALEX: That's absolutely incredible doctor.
I'm sure people will start to pay attention as they hear more and more about these types of advancements in cosmetic surgery and remember where they heard it first as well.
Jeremy B.
White is "dual residency trained" in both plastic surgery of the entire body as well as otolaryngology.
He is based in Aventura, Florida where he operates ARC Plastic Surgery (Aesthetic & Reconstructive Center).
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