- Knowing more about the low-income guidelines for Washington state is important for every resident.washington state image by Dawngo from Fotolia.com
The definition of "low income" varies by state, and in some cases, by specific state-sponsored programs. Finding out whether or not your family meets the low-income guidelines for Washington state is the first step in determining which programs and services you may be eligible for. - The larger your household, the more likely it is that you will be eligible for low-income programs and services.family image by Linda Mattson from Fotolia.com
The size of your household is an important factor when determining whether you meet the low-income guidelines for Washington state. Each person living in your home should be included, and it is important to keep in mind that if you, or someone in your household is pregnant, the expectant mother and her baby(ies) count as separate people. - Your total income is the second-most important qualifying factor when it comes to meeting low-income guidelines.Hundred dollar bills image by MAXFX from Fotolia.com
Household size is so important because it is a key part of determining your income level. In Washington state, the minimum before-tax, low-income requirements based on household size and income are the following:
•One-person household: $16,400
•Two-person household: $21,400
•Three-person household: $26,400
•Four-person household: $31,800
Keep in mind that these figures are updated and adjusted each year. Refer to your local HHS (Health and Human Services) office for the most current numbers. - You may qualify for reduced-cost services or other types of assistance based on your income.Paying Bills image by ne_fall_photos from Fotolia.com
If your combined household size and income do not match these guidelines, you will likely still qualify for some type of assistance if you meet the Federal 2009/2010 HHS (Health and Human Services) poverty guidelines. These guidelines can be found online at many locations. - Making an appointment to speak with a caseworker is the first step in determining whether or not you meet the low-income guidelines for Washington.telephone image by Vasiliy Koval from Fotolia.com
To prove that you meet the low-income guidelines for Washington and to qualify for assistance, you will need to provide the following information and documentation about you and your household:
•Date(s) of birth
•Citizenship status
•Social Security number(s)
•Information about your housing costs, i.e. your monthly rental amount or mortgage payment
•A copy of your most recent utility bill
•Proof of your Income from all sources
•Monthly child care costs (if applicable)
Contact your appropriate local office to make an appointment to speak a caseworker. In some cases, it may be possible to complete the application process online. There are many different types of programs and services designed to help low-income individuals and families in Washington state. Make sure that you explore all options.
Household Size
Income Level
Meeting Federal Income Guidelines