Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

What Is The Most Effective Diet For Arthritis?

For a long time, doctors doubted that there could be any link between diet and arthritis.
They saw the disease as a natural result of wear and tear on the joints, something inevitable as we age.
However new research is making them reconsider this idea, as it now appears that nutrition plays a vital role in helping to prevent or ease the effects of arthritis.
Eating certain foods can help to reduce the inflammation and pain and can slow the progression of the disease.
This article examines the most effective diet for arthritis.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and may protect the joints from the damaging effects of free radicals (unstable molecules that can cause joint inflammation).
Recent research shows that vitamin C can help prevent bone loss and cartilage deterioration associated with aging.
Vitamin C plays a key part in repairing cartilage and helps to keep your cartilage "young.
" Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C include oranges, cantaloupe, broccoli, strawberries, peppers and cranberry juice.
Vitamin C is also available in supplement form.
It is thought that eating foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis.
The body manufactures vitamin D from sunlight so make sure you spend time outdoors every day- undertaking some form of exercise such as walking or cycling is ideal.
Vitamin D can also be found in oily fish and fortified foods such as margarine and some cereals.
Food rich in calcium include dairy products, nuts and seeds (especially sesame seeds) and fish.
Omega-3 oils are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the pain caused by inflamed and swollen joints.
Omega-3 oils are found in oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel.
It is also found in avocados, nuts and seeds, especially almonds, and is added to some cereals or margarine.
A selenium deficiency has been linked to a more rapid progression of arthritic symptoms.
Brazil nuts are particularly rich in selenium, but it can also be found in supplement form.
Eating a Mediterranean style diet is thought to be effective at preventing and treating arthritis.
The Mediterranean diet consists mainly of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, grains and pulses, with a limited amount of red meat.
Recent studies have indicated that vegetarian diets can be helpful for some people with rheumatoid arthritis.
These studies also indicate that people who eat a lot of red meat seem to have a higher risk of developing inflammatory types of arthritis.
If you decide to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, make sure you are getting sufficient quantities of calcium, selenium, vitamin D and vitamin B12.
Vegetarians can get vitamin B12 from yeast extract, soya milk or fortified foods.
Excess weight can exacerbate the symptoms of arthritis, as it places extra pressure on the weight bearing joints and can increase joint wear and tear.
By eating a healthy diet, you will find it easier to lose any excess weight and your overall health will improve as a result.
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