Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Grow Your Penis and Eliminate Your Tiny Manhood For Good

"Click here to learn how to grow your penis" is a heading most people see at least once a week in their email in box, for most people this is nothing more than annoying spam that gets promptly deleted or sent to the spam folder.
But for some men it is a question they themselves would like to know the answer of.
Lets take a look of a few questions someone looking for a how to grow your penis method may ask.
Do these pills, creams, patches and other various ointments I see around the web work to grow your penis? In short no.
there as been no evidence found in all the research done that any of these so called penis enhancer's work.
what's more many have been found to contain harmful ingredients such as pesticides, lead and even traces of animal feces.
More and more sites selling such items are appearing more and more on the Internet as their is such a huge market for them.
Avoid them though at all cost as they are nothing more than scams after your money.
What about penis pumps do they work and are they safe? Whilst penis pumps are usually marketed as a way how to grow your penis their original function was as a device for men with trouble getting erections.
Although it has been found that the penis pump will over time strengthen the penis muscles they will not help permanently make your penis bigger.
they have also been linked to causing blisters and sore skin, and burst blood vessels.
They have also been criticized for there expensive price for such a simple instrument.
Shall I save up for penis enhancement surgery? While that decision is one only you can make you should be aware that 85% of all men who undergo the knife to help their penis grow are unhappy with the resulting change.
This is mainly due to the fact that the average gain is only 1-1.
5 inch in length or .
5-1 inch in width depending on the surgery had.
The price is something you should consider too, unless your well off it could be too much of a price to justify with surgery costing up to $30000.
What other options are there? The other option available and the one long considered the best way how to grow your penis is by using a combination of exercises specifically designed to enlarge the penis.
The main ones been jelqing and flexes, jelqing concentrates on helping the penis expand by using a milking motion with the index finger and thumb on an semi erect penis.
flexes on the other hand are designed to strengthen the muscles around the penis by flexing and holding different muscles for an extended period of time.
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