- 1). Select a book or print media that you want to have as an audio book for iPod or Mac.
- 2). Open recording software on your computer. For the Mac, you can use GarageBand. For other computers, search for "sound recorder" or look in your "Accessories" folder for recording software.
- 3). Record your voice reading the book. You probably want to test out the quality by reading a few sentences and playing your recording back. Be sure it is how you want it before you record the whole book. When you finish a short story or a chapter of a longer story, stop recording and save your work. Record each chapter or section as a separate file.
- 1). Open iTunes. Using the menus in iTunes, select "Add file to library"; select your saved recording. iTunes will automatically convert it into the proper format for playback on an iPod or Mac.
- 2). Find and right click on your new recording in iTunes. Select "Get Info". Select the "Options" tab; change the Media Kind to "Audiobook". Select the "Info" tab; here, you can add the book name under "Album Name" and rename each chapter or section under "Name". Depending on the order you import chapters into iTunes, you may need to change the track number. Click on "OK".
- 3). Sync your iPod with iTunes. Depending on your sync settings, you may need to click on your iPod in the iTunes menu and add your new audio book to synced audio books. You can also save the file from your iTunes media folder to a removable storage device and transfer it to a Mac.
Recording an audio book
Your recording as an audio book