Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Mesothelioma Disease Shortness of Breath and Latency Time

Shortness of breath is one symptom of asbestos related disease.  One interesting study one point is called, "Non-malignant asbestos-related diseases in Brazilian asbestos-cement workers" by E. Algranti MD, DPH, E.M.C. Mendonça MD, E.M. DeCapitani MD, PhD, J.B.P. Freitas MD, MSc, H.C. Silva MD4, M.A. Bussacos Stat, MSc - American Journal of Industrial Medicine - Volume 40, Issue 3, pages 240–254, September 2001 – Here is an excerpt: "Results - Asbestosis was present in 74 (8.9%) and pleural thickening in 246 (29.7%). Using the HRCT as the "best available evidence", it was shown that were more false negatives than false positives in the x-ray readings for parenchymal (21.6% false negatives, 4.2% false positives) and pleural (26.0% false negatives, 14.4% false positives) diseases due to asbestos. Latency time from first exposure was the best predictor for both asbestosis and pleural thickening. Subjects in the higher exposure groups presented lower levels of lung function. Obstructive defects were significantly related to smoking, shortness of breath, body mass index, and age, whereas restrictive defects were related to asbestosis, shortness of breath, and latency time. Chronic bronchitis increased with latency time in the three smoking groups and was significantly related to pleural thickening (OR 1.56 (1.00–2.42)). Shortness of breath was significantly associated with body mass index and pleural thickening (OR 1.30 (1.24–2.09)."

Another interesting study is called, "Clearance and dimensional changes of crocidolite asbestos fibers isolated from lungs of rats following short-term exposure" by Victor L. Roggli, Michael H. George and Arnold R. Brody - Environmental Research Volume 42, Issue 1, February 1987, Pages 94-105.  Here is an excerpt: "Previous studies in this laboratory have demonstrated fiber clearance and dimensional changes in chrysotile asbestos using a rat inhalational model of short-term exposure. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether or not similar changes occurred in crocidolite asbestos fibers isolated from the lungs of rats at various intervals after termination of exposure. Fibers were recovered on a membrane filter using a sodium hypochlorite digestion-concentration technique, and the numbers and dimensions of the fibers assessed using scanning electron microscopy. The mass of crocidolite asbestos retained in the lung was then calculated. Of the respirable fraction, 19% was deposited in the lungs, and 25% of this amount was still present 1 month after exposure. These values are similar to the 23% deposition and 19% retention rates for chrysotile determined in our previous study. There was a progressive increase in mean fiber length with time postexposure (P < 0.05), but no significant changes in the diameter of the population of crocidolite fibers retained in the lung. Thus it appears that the tendency for longer fibers to be retained within lung tissue is a characteristic shared by serpentine and amphibole asbestos fibers, whereas longitudinal splitting with progressive decrease in mean fiber diameter in vivo occurs primarily with the serpentine fibers."

Another study is called, "Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma in Japan" by   Kenji Morinaga, Takumi Kishimoto, Mitsunori Sakatani, Masanori Akira, Kunihiko Yokoyama and Yoshizumi Sera - INDUSTRIAL HEALTH  Vol.39 , No.2(2001)pp.65-74.  Here is an excerpt: "Abstract: In Japan, crocidolite had been used for asbestos cement pipe and spraying, and amosite had been used for building board and spraying. These two types of asbestos had stopped to use in Japan in the late 1970s. An extreme increase in imported asbestos (all 3 commercial types) was observed between 1960 and 1974. In 1960, 77, 000 tons of asbestos were imported, and reached the peak as 352, 316 tons in 1974. This extreme rise of asbestos imports corresponds with the recent rapid increase in mortality of malignant pleural mesothelioma. Between 1995 and 1999, an estimated mean annual death from pleural mesothelioma was about 500. The annual number of compensated occupational respiratory cancers due to asbestos exposure has also been increasing. Up to the end of March 2000, 162 cases with malignant mesothelioma and 197 cases with lung cancer were compensated. As for lung cancer, epidemiological studies are scanty in Japan. Limited environmental data of the working places in asbestos textile factories suggests that heavy asbestos exposure in the past made deaths from respiratory diseases. Less asbestos exposure will enable exposed workers to survive enough to reach cancer age. Even now smoking rate among males in Japan are over 50%. So lung cancer deaths caused by the interaction between smoking and asbestos exposure will be continuing."

We all owe a debt of gratitude to these fine researchers for their hard work and dedication.  If you found any of these excerpts interesting, please read the studies in their entirety.
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