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Paintball Smoke Grenades - Playing With Smoke Grenades

You can't be called a paintball fan if you don't have the least idea what a paintball smoke grenade is.
A lot of players find valuable uses for these smoke bombs.
They are mostly used by various paintball players particularly those who join in scenario games, who want to strategically conceal themselves from other players so that they can either make their next move or slither away from the danger zone.
Throwing a smoke grenade is one of the most popular war tactics used in paintball.
When it is done right, the act can help a player save himself from being eliminated and enabling him to hit on other players as well.
However, novices are still prone to just throwing the grenade just for the sake of it making it an annoying tactic for the other players on the field.
Here are some rules that you will want to bear in mind when using paintball smoke grenades.
Wind Make sure to throw your smoke grenade in an area where there is little to no wind.
Strong winds will just make the smoke dissipate faster defeating the purpose of a smokescreen for your attack.
Smoke will stay on the area for a longer period if you don't have wind to blow it away.
Woods It's also a good idea to throw your paintball smoke grenades in the woods because such areas are capable of holding smoke longer.
The only downside of this tactic is that you might produce thick smoke which will make it more difficult to navigate through roots and branches.
Advice It's best that the whole team knows at least how the grenade will be used before you go around throwing them.
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