When people start shipping with courier companies they're not sure what they're paying for in many cases.
This is due largely to the fact that every Santa Clarita delivery company out there is going to package different services for their customers as part of their base fee, which means it can get very confusing sorting out what courier offers what.
In addition, every courier also has different services which you can purchase at an additional fee on top of whatever base package of services they might offer.
This can include a lot of different things, but by and large there are a few that customers are the most confused about, and need straightened out for them.
One of the ones they ask about a lot is what kinds of packing materials, if any, the courier company provides to them to aid in the packaging of their shipments.
Usually, the quick answer to this is none at all.
Some customers wonder if boxes, packing kernels, tape, or anything else of the like is going to be provided to them by the courier company, but most couriers have a policy that involves them not offering any services of this type.
This is primarily because of the time that it would take to have to make those added deliveries, especially if it created situations where customers did not have their packages prepared, and were waiting on the supplies in order to pack them.
This would create huge delays that would affect the entire company.
There are a few rare companies that might sell these types of supplies.
Usually however, these are only going to be sold out of their actual storefront locations.
If you wanted them brought to your office you would probably have to pay for the shipping in order to get them there.
Usually, it's simply a good motto to always have your own packing supplies and plenty of them.
It is also always very important that you take the time to make sure that all your packages are prepared before the courier ever comes to get them, otherwise you can cause those delays that were mentioned earlier, and delay is something that you never want in the courier industry.
A final note: one thing that your courier might, and probably will provide for you is standardized shipping labels.
They may have physical labels for you, or a form online for you to print your labels from.
This is due largely to the fact that every Santa Clarita delivery company out there is going to package different services for their customers as part of their base fee, which means it can get very confusing sorting out what courier offers what.
In addition, every courier also has different services which you can purchase at an additional fee on top of whatever base package of services they might offer.
This can include a lot of different things, but by and large there are a few that customers are the most confused about, and need straightened out for them.
One of the ones they ask about a lot is what kinds of packing materials, if any, the courier company provides to them to aid in the packaging of their shipments.
Usually, the quick answer to this is none at all.
Some customers wonder if boxes, packing kernels, tape, or anything else of the like is going to be provided to them by the courier company, but most couriers have a policy that involves them not offering any services of this type.
This is primarily because of the time that it would take to have to make those added deliveries, especially if it created situations where customers did not have their packages prepared, and were waiting on the supplies in order to pack them.
This would create huge delays that would affect the entire company.
There are a few rare companies that might sell these types of supplies.
Usually however, these are only going to be sold out of their actual storefront locations.
If you wanted them brought to your office you would probably have to pay for the shipping in order to get them there.
Usually, it's simply a good motto to always have your own packing supplies and plenty of them.
It is also always very important that you take the time to make sure that all your packages are prepared before the courier ever comes to get them, otherwise you can cause those delays that were mentioned earlier, and delay is something that you never want in the courier industry.
A final note: one thing that your courier might, and probably will provide for you is standardized shipping labels.
They may have physical labels for you, or a form online for you to print your labels from.