Society & Culture & Entertainment Visual Arts

Know the Value of the Ancient Indigenous Australian Paintings

To understand any of the community in better manner, we generally focus on their cultural understandings, social structure, relationship among the individuals, understanding about the spiritual world, and other various matters related to their life. Some communities put their focus on their cultural matters, such as painting or creating outstanding music or dancing are the common things in this relation. Every community has some specialties. They do any act in their innovative way, which helps to identify the community solely. As any person of a particular community follow one specific technique following their traditional, it leaves the traces so that other can identify the dissimilarity easily. This characteristic helps others to recognize the community that follows the special technique. In the world, dancing is a very common thing, but different people follow different steps. Such as samba dancing is unique generated from Brazilian trace, whereas, jazz dancing is originated from Caribbean traditional dance, it is an African American mixed dancing style. Similarly, in painting styles you can find uniqueness. Aboriginal paintings and arts are very exceptional type belongs to Indigenous Australian community.

Why indigenous Australian art is matchless !.

The aboriginal paintings are handmade version of art. A lot colors are used in such as way to generate a great illustration effect. Geometrical shapes, like concentric circles are very common. This type of art forms has several characteristics that make it matchless and help to increase its popularity in the global confront. Many people love this type of paintings and use to decorate their place, sometime they like to print this type of pattern on their dress materials. Some special features of any Aboriginal Art are -

<u>Tells an Ancient story:</u> Behind every Aboriginal painting, a story is there and that is mainly centering ‚¬The Dreamtime' period. Indigenous people termed the period when world was created as ‚¬The Dreamtime' and they have a huge collection of stories on that. It is their traditional thought. These stories are very old, considered as belongs to the period 50,000 years or before that.

<u>Any artist need authorization to depict a particular story through their paintings:</u> Making a traditional painting on the ‚¬The Dreamtime' story or any other matters, an artist should have particular consent. It is a cultural thing and considered like a written thing, so while an artist want to share some secret must have to get the permission. Generally, the stories belong to a particular family as they get it from their ancestor, they can tell through their paintings. However, those are not belongs to their family may not have the permission to paint those.

<u>A written language or a painting:</u>

As the painting tells a story it is consider as an ancient language than a form of art.
This style of painting are performed on Bark in earlier days. However, most of them have been decayed terribly as the lifetime of barks is not very long. The colors used in those paintings, especially the ochre paints, are not stable, can be destroyed easily. Those are in petroglyph forms are still there. Recently paper, cloth, board, and other flat materials are used to paint Aboriginal Dot Painting or other forms. Canvas also used but it should be laid down a flat surface to paint any particular thing.

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