For the eBook marketer, protecting their product from copyright infringement is extremely important.
Without a method to keep track of their important files, the eBook marketer may be losing out on a large portion of their sales.
Sadly, without a way to track their documents, many marketers may not even be aware of the problem.
Common problems include: other's distributing books, customers giving their copy to others, and then of course there is the worst case scenario when someone actually begins cutting into your profits by selling your eBook as their own.
To remain profitable, in the eBook marketplace, proper security practices are very important.
In this article we will cover three steps to protect your documents; thus ensuring that you maximize on the time and money you invested in getting your book ready to sell.
After-all, if you aren't protecting your profits, who's going to? Document Tracking The first step in good eBook security practices is to begin tracking your documents.
This first step is important in being able to identify when a problem arises.
With your usage statistics discrepancies in your sales will quickly become apparent.
For example if you sold 10 copies of an eBook in one day, but 50 new people opened that same eBook, with your usage statistics you enable yourself to take the steps to find out what's going on.
Services, such as our own document tracking system, allow you to see who is using your documents, how those documents are being used, and many other useful document usage statistics.
Session Based Download Pages The next step that should be taken is to get rid of that static download page.
If an eBook is downloadable from the same page all of the time, then all that is required to steal that book is the download link.
Whether you use and ASP based website, or PHP creating a session based download page isn't difficult.
With this style of page, the links to download the eBook appear in a page that is unique to that browser session.
In other words the book can't be downloaded from the same place twice.
If you aren't sure how to create a session based page, your tech savvy friend, or your local web designer can likely help.
User Login for Added Security The final step in protecting your digital product is to enable logins to your website.
In some ways this goes back to the previous step, but it also takes the idea further.
By requiring your customers to login to re-download any the eBook, or any additional material, you have an added element of security.
When you combine a website that user must log into with the session based download pages you end up making it very difficult for anyone to steal the eBook from your site.
Add to that your document tracking system and suddenly you are able to see if anyone else is distributing or sharing your eBook.
Securing your eBook doesn't need to be difficult.
In fact, it's quite simple.
Without paying attention to security though, you may be losing sales and not even know it!
Without a method to keep track of their important files, the eBook marketer may be losing out on a large portion of their sales.
Sadly, without a way to track their documents, many marketers may not even be aware of the problem.
Common problems include: other's distributing books, customers giving their copy to others, and then of course there is the worst case scenario when someone actually begins cutting into your profits by selling your eBook as their own.
To remain profitable, in the eBook marketplace, proper security practices are very important.
In this article we will cover three steps to protect your documents; thus ensuring that you maximize on the time and money you invested in getting your book ready to sell.
After-all, if you aren't protecting your profits, who's going to? Document Tracking The first step in good eBook security practices is to begin tracking your documents.
This first step is important in being able to identify when a problem arises.
With your usage statistics discrepancies in your sales will quickly become apparent.
For example if you sold 10 copies of an eBook in one day, but 50 new people opened that same eBook, with your usage statistics you enable yourself to take the steps to find out what's going on.
Services, such as our own document tracking system, allow you to see who is using your documents, how those documents are being used, and many other useful document usage statistics.
Session Based Download Pages The next step that should be taken is to get rid of that static download page.
If an eBook is downloadable from the same page all of the time, then all that is required to steal that book is the download link.
Whether you use and ASP based website, or PHP creating a session based download page isn't difficult.
With this style of page, the links to download the eBook appear in a page that is unique to that browser session.
In other words the book can't be downloaded from the same place twice.
If you aren't sure how to create a session based page, your tech savvy friend, or your local web designer can likely help.
User Login for Added Security The final step in protecting your digital product is to enable logins to your website.
In some ways this goes back to the previous step, but it also takes the idea further.
By requiring your customers to login to re-download any the eBook, or any additional material, you have an added element of security.
When you combine a website that user must log into with the session based download pages you end up making it very difficult for anyone to steal the eBook from your site.
Add to that your document tracking system and suddenly you are able to see if anyone else is distributing or sharing your eBook.
Securing your eBook doesn't need to be difficult.
In fact, it's quite simple.
Without paying attention to security though, you may be losing sales and not even know it!