An alternative career in health services can be pursued in a quality institution after a lot of search. Established in 1825 the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Services has been functioning as one of the oldest teaching hospitals in the country. For building up a blooming career in health services the institute offers various avenues.
Seeking an alternative career in health services requires searching through a number of quality institutions to find out the best avenues offered in the line. Established way back in the year 1825, the George Washington University School of Medicine and health services academics was granted the use of Washington Infirmary by the Congress in 1844. Standing as one of the oldest general teaching hospitals in the country, the school is now a part of the George Washington Medical Center.
Component Institutes for medical service aspirants
With the university hospital, health science library highly experienced medical faculty associates as well as the school of public health and health services there are ample opportunities for building up the career in health services for the aspirant students.
Course Structure supporting health career
Four years semi traditional course is followed in the school helps gradual build up of health career. Introduction to clinical setting in the first two years besides teaching on basic science helps providing a platform for future improvements. The focus of building up health career would be on -
Studies in normal human biology and function including basic medical science courses in the first year itself become a good learning ground for students.
Focus on abnormal human biology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, and psychopathology.
Initial studies carried on in core curriculum and thereafter the students migrating to interdisciplinary organ system.
Adequate clerkship in the major clinical disciplines as well as primary care clerkship.
Studies including compulsory acting internship in medicine, pediatrics or family practices courses in anesthesiology, emergency medicine, and neuroscience
Studies in urology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, pediatric surgery, as well as ophthalmology.
Carrying out a course in medical decision making including one didactic course.
Additional training is provided in affiliate institutions in United States and abroad.
Unique Programs for alternative health care career
It grows in conjunction with mainstream health care needs.
Energy healing, herbal medicine, acupuncture, aromatherapy, naturopathy are particular areas of alternative health care.
Combined studies like MD-PhD and GWBS programs help build up an alternative career of the student in the field of medical science.
Seeking an alternative career in health services requires searching through a number of quality institutions to find out the best avenues offered in the line. Established way back in the year 1825, the George Washington University School of Medicine and health services academics was granted the use of Washington Infirmary by the Congress in 1844. Standing as one of the oldest general teaching hospitals in the country, the school is now a part of the George Washington Medical Center.
Component Institutes for medical service aspirants
With the university hospital, health science library highly experienced medical faculty associates as well as the school of public health and health services there are ample opportunities for building up the career in health services for the aspirant students.
Course Structure supporting health career
Four years semi traditional course is followed in the school helps gradual build up of health career. Introduction to clinical setting in the first two years besides teaching on basic science helps providing a platform for future improvements. The focus of building up health career would be on -
Studies in normal human biology and function including basic medical science courses in the first year itself become a good learning ground for students.
Focus on abnormal human biology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, and psychopathology.
Initial studies carried on in core curriculum and thereafter the students migrating to interdisciplinary organ system.
Adequate clerkship in the major clinical disciplines as well as primary care clerkship.
Studies including compulsory acting internship in medicine, pediatrics or family practices courses in anesthesiology, emergency medicine, and neuroscience
Studies in urology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, pediatric surgery, as well as ophthalmology.
Carrying out a course in medical decision making including one didactic course.
Additional training is provided in affiliate institutions in United States and abroad.
Unique Programs for alternative health care career
It grows in conjunction with mainstream health care needs.
Energy healing, herbal medicine, acupuncture, aromatherapy, naturopathy are particular areas of alternative health care.
Combined studies like MD-PhD and GWBS programs help build up an alternative career of the student in the field of medical science.