Did working with a married couple change the dynamics behind the scenes?
BLANCHARD RYAN: They?re so awesome.
DANIEL TRAVIS: I mean, there was some mirroring going on with what was going on in the water and above water. And they worked so well together, we all got very close. It was a very family-oriented feel.
BLANCHARD RYAN: They are a great team.
DANIEL TRAVIS: They complement each other. Laura [Lau] was on the boat shooting a second camera as well.
We had both of those perspectives, both as a producer and running the second camera. And they would have these great discussions with each other. Chris [Kentis] would say, ?Okay, I think we got that shot,? and Laura would switch instantly into producer mode. ?Are you absolutely sure? We?re not coming back. Are you sure you got it??
BLANCHARD RYAN: Chris was like, ?I got it ? I got it. I told you I got it.?
And you would not want to get involved in that, right?
DANIEL TRAVIS: (Laughing) Exactly.
BLANCHARD RYAN: But they didn?t bicker. They are very respectful of one another. The thing is Chris respects Laura so much he?ll be like, ?I got it. I?m absolutely sure.? And she?ll be like, ?I?m not sure you did.? He?d then be like, ?Alright, I better check.? He trusts her. He believes her. Somebody else saying that to him, he probably wouldn?t have listened to them. But when she would say it, he?d be like, ?Ah, damn.? She?s right so much of the time and he knows that.
DANIEL TRAVIS: And they are a team.
That was their intent and they?ve been very specific about it.
BLANCHARD RYAN: They really co-directed the film.
DANIEL TRAVIS: I?m sure that with their next project it?s going to be Laura in the chair and then Chris will be doing the other stuff. They have this great balance with each other.
BLANCHARD RYAN: It?s hard with the girl power thing because I?m always trying to get Laura?s name out there. It?s like, ?Chris Kentis ? Director, Daniel Travis and Blanchard Ryan.? Meanwhile Laura worked harder than all of us. Not only was she doing everything all day long, but she was also booking all the travel and the boring stuff and the money and the budgets and the craft service.
DANIEL TRAVIS: And she was on the boat and constantly seasick.
BLANCHARD RYAN: She gets the worst seasickness. She was on Dramamine, which makes you so tired. They were getting so much less rest. We would go home at the end of a day of shooting and crash. Eat a quick meal and fall asleep. Meanwhile they?d be up watching dailies all night, planning the whole schedule for the next day. She worked so hard and she shot half the movie. I mean, at least half the shots in the movie are hers.
So her name needs to be out there just as much as everyone else?s.
BLANCHARD RYAN: Girl power! She was a big part of the editing process and a huge part of selling the thing. She?s just a really strong, smart businesswoman. So it?s really, really a team.