Blogging and traffic-building are two sides of the same story when you know how to generate a traffic generating empire.
You can build that empire for free when you know some key elements that will bring success to your blog - and will help you earn a lot more money online from the increased traffic.
What Are Those Keys? There are some very important keys you must know to become successful with your blog, and I will give you five essential keys:
Honesty in Everything You Write Once you get a regular following you should be aware that you are building a brand.
You must be identical and faithful to that brand - and therefore you must remain honest in everything you write.
It can be tempting to avoid offending people, but sometimes having a different opinion to the mainstream opinion can actually help you build your brand.
One example of that is a famous blogger who is a Republican.
While Obama ran his campaign to get into office he wrote some pretty stern remarks about Barack Obama, and probably offended some.
But he didn't lose any followers on Twitter, and he even increased his traffic to his blog.
He remained faithful to his opinion, and won from that type of honesty.
Being Controversial The Right Way Being controversial means you stand out.
You shouldn't stand out just to stand out, but you should never be afraid to stand out..
Readers are looking for an opinion, and in an increasingly neutral news market many subjects are treated quite boringly by many journalists.
When you stand out with your honest opinions, you are awakening the curiosity of potential readers.
Increasing Traffic By Being Aware of Trends It is quite natural that Christmas articles are not all that good during march-august.
But if you are running a blog centered around Christmas niches, you can still provide content that will keep your blog on the market in search engines when bots come to your blog.
Big traffic comes from being relevant at the time you are publishing your articles.
Any niche has relevant periods when your articles will be more on-topic than at other times.
Traditionally, traffic to politics blogs will be a bit down in the months of July and august when people are on summer holidays.
Take time off during those seasons, or write timeless articles that can be released on scheduled intervals.
Blogging software such as WordPress will allow you to write ahead of time.
Using Social Media to Increase Awareness of New Articles Using Twitter and Facebook may not give you a link that is followed by search bots, but you will get an increased buzz from announcing new articles you have written.
Especially when you follow key number five just below.
Quality content will always attract the attention of your followers.
Use that to generate extra traffic to your blog.
Be Consistent With Quality Content When you are consistent with the quality of your articles, people will come back to your blogs.
They will be hungry for reading what you have to say - and in case you are running podcasts or videocasts to hear or watch new materials.
Consistency is the single most important key to success in blogging, but it has to be followed by the other four keys to be truly successful.
You can build that empire for free when you know some key elements that will bring success to your blog - and will help you earn a lot more money online from the increased traffic.
What Are Those Keys? There are some very important keys you must know to become successful with your blog, and I will give you five essential keys:
- Be honest in everything you write
- Be controversial the right way
- Increase your traffic by being aware of trends
- Use social media to increase awareness of new articles
- Be consistent with the quality of your writing
Honesty in Everything You Write Once you get a regular following you should be aware that you are building a brand.
You must be identical and faithful to that brand - and therefore you must remain honest in everything you write.
It can be tempting to avoid offending people, but sometimes having a different opinion to the mainstream opinion can actually help you build your brand.
One example of that is a famous blogger who is a Republican.
While Obama ran his campaign to get into office he wrote some pretty stern remarks about Barack Obama, and probably offended some.
But he didn't lose any followers on Twitter, and he even increased his traffic to his blog.
He remained faithful to his opinion, and won from that type of honesty.
Being Controversial The Right Way Being controversial means you stand out.
You shouldn't stand out just to stand out, but you should never be afraid to stand out..
Readers are looking for an opinion, and in an increasingly neutral news market many subjects are treated quite boringly by many journalists.
When you stand out with your honest opinions, you are awakening the curiosity of potential readers.
Increasing Traffic By Being Aware of Trends It is quite natural that Christmas articles are not all that good during march-august.
But if you are running a blog centered around Christmas niches, you can still provide content that will keep your blog on the market in search engines when bots come to your blog.
Big traffic comes from being relevant at the time you are publishing your articles.
Any niche has relevant periods when your articles will be more on-topic than at other times.
Traditionally, traffic to politics blogs will be a bit down in the months of July and august when people are on summer holidays.
Take time off during those seasons, or write timeless articles that can be released on scheduled intervals.
Blogging software such as WordPress will allow you to write ahead of time.
Using Social Media to Increase Awareness of New Articles Using Twitter and Facebook may not give you a link that is followed by search bots, but you will get an increased buzz from announcing new articles you have written.
Especially when you follow key number five just below.
Quality content will always attract the attention of your followers.
Use that to generate extra traffic to your blog.
Be Consistent With Quality Content When you are consistent with the quality of your articles, people will come back to your blogs.
They will be hungry for reading what you have to say - and in case you are running podcasts or videocasts to hear or watch new materials.
Consistency is the single most important key to success in blogging, but it has to be followed by the other four keys to be truly successful.