If you take a look around, you will be able to see a lot of sample of relationship. There are people who always have short term relationship, but there are also people who are able to save relationship by maintain them for years. It is a common knowledge that all of us would want to have relationship that can be long lasting until the day we died, but the percentage of this kind of relationship has decrease in the past few years. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to save relationship and have the best from it.  Most of the short term relationship is beginning since we put our hopes and dreams to our partner. However, little that we realize that nobody is perfect and nobody would be able to become the person that we're dreaming about without a single flaw. When things like this occur, it is very difficult to save relationship even though you have work really had on it.
Save relationship will need several things in mind and action. The first thing for you to understand is that relationship can be maintain is to learn to accept your partner for what he/ she truly is. It is important to get to know their character, point of view or perspective. This way, you're able to really understand the basic reason for their action.  Save relationshipmeans you don't give your best effort to change your partner to be the one that they're not. By forcing them will only causing them to feel uncomfortable whenever they're around you. Criticizing them at all times will also not helping since it will only bring negative impact in self confidence they're having.  Save relationship is all about learning to give. Giving doesn't necessarily means giving materials to them. Your partner also needs you to listen to their stories, having your attention and your time for them and it can be in many other forms which don't involve gifts or money.
Save relationship needs two people to work it out. Therefore, communicate it well with your partner and learn to respect each other along the way. It is important to clearly state both of your opinions and discuss it with open mind and coolness. Getting emotional will not get you anywhere at all.  Save relationship is surely takes times but don't force it since it won't get you anywhere. Forcing will only make everything worse at most time. If your relationship is no longer a healthy relationship but has become something of a burden for both of you, then it there are times where you know when to quit trying and accept things like they are already become. After all, relationship is about love. If there is no more love left in your relationship, then you should consider it really hard on what your next step would be. Of course, hard decision should be made, but if that is the best thing to do for both of you then, you might want to learn to let it go. However, if there is still much love in your relationship, then it should be something that both of you should try hard to work it out.
Save relationship will need several things in mind and action. The first thing for you to understand is that relationship can be maintain is to learn to accept your partner for what he/ she truly is. It is important to get to know their character, point of view or perspective. This way, you're able to really understand the basic reason for their action.  Save relationshipmeans you don't give your best effort to change your partner to be the one that they're not. By forcing them will only causing them to feel uncomfortable whenever they're around you. Criticizing them at all times will also not helping since it will only bring negative impact in self confidence they're having.  Save relationship is all about learning to give. Giving doesn't necessarily means giving materials to them. Your partner also needs you to listen to their stories, having your attention and your time for them and it can be in many other forms which don't involve gifts or money.
Save relationship needs two people to work it out. Therefore, communicate it well with your partner and learn to respect each other along the way. It is important to clearly state both of your opinions and discuss it with open mind and coolness. Getting emotional will not get you anywhere at all.  Save relationship is surely takes times but don't force it since it won't get you anywhere. Forcing will only make everything worse at most time. If your relationship is no longer a healthy relationship but has become something of a burden for both of you, then it there are times where you know when to quit trying and accept things like they are already become. After all, relationship is about love. If there is no more love left in your relationship, then you should consider it really hard on what your next step would be. Of course, hard decision should be made, but if that is the best thing to do for both of you then, you might want to learn to let it go. However, if there is still much love in your relationship, then it should be something that both of you should try hard to work it out.