- 1). Declare the array to hold string data by providing a name followed by parenthesis. "Dim myArray(9) as String" will declare an array called "myArray" that holds 10 elements of the String datatype. The String datatype can store up to 4 billion characters, including letters and numbers.
- 2). Use the "ubound" function to get the size of the array. The array created in Step 1 would return 9 from the following statement: "ubound(myArray)". If the array was declared with an empty parenthesis, meaning the size had not yet been determined, the "ubound" function would return a "subscript out of range" error.
- 3). Populate the array with data. Reference the array element by number and set that equal to the new value. For example, "myArray(0) = "Test"" will set the first element equal to the word "Test".
- 4). Get the length of the array element by using the "Len" function. The first array element referenced in Step 3 is set to the word "Test" which is 4 characters long. Coding "Len(myArray(0))" returns 4.
- 5). Change the size of any array using the "Redim" statement. If you wish to keep the existing elements intact, use "Redim Preserve" when resizing. "Redim myArray(15)" will reset all the values in "myArray" and allow the array to now hold sixteen values.