Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

What Causes Lower Back Pain

Back pain is tension or stiffness in the lower back (the area between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the legs) but it can also be felt in the neck, shoulders, buttocks and thighs.

The pain sometimes develops suddenly after lifting something heavy or twisting your back awkwardly or it can develop gradually as a result of years of poor posture.

Sometimes the pain develops for no apparent reason. Some people just wake up one day with a sore back. Typically, the pain eases when you lie down flat, whereas moving, coughing or sneezing makes it worse.

While the pain may appear suddenly, the fact is the problem has been developing for months or more likely, years.

The reason you have back pain is because your body and spine have been pulled out of their normal position. This may result in an excessive curve in the lower spine.

As you can imagine, it doesn't take long before it results in pain. It's very important to understand though, that it doesn't just happen overnight. It develops over time and is the direct result of imbalances between various muscle groups.

Did you know that while you may feel pain in your back, the actual cause of the pain could be the front of your thighs?

For example, an imbalance between the muscles of the thighs can pull your pelvis and spine out of position and can quickly cause all sorts of problems.

Back pain begins with muscle imbalances that over time create a dysfunction.

Your body is then forced to work each day with this dysfunction and eventually this creates a condition, like a herniated disc for example.

Then the condition causes pain which is your body's way of alerting you to a problem that needs to be fixed.

Muscle Imbalances Are The "Hidden Cause" of Nearly Every Case of Back Pain and Sciatica...

So what is a muscle imbalance?

When a muscle or group of muscles overpowers the opposing muscle(s), you have a muscle imbalance. Think of it as a Tug-of-War.

When your muscles are out of balance they pull your bones and joints out of their normal position and this places them under constant and uneven stress. For example, the position and curvature of your spine is determined by the amount of balance in numerous muscle groups like the thighs, hips and torso.

When muscle imbalances pull your spine and body out of alignment, the level of stress on certain muscles, bones and joints increases. Even the smallest muscle imbalance can over time pull you out of balance and place tremendous amounts of uneven pressure and wear and tear on your body... especially the vertebrae, discs, spine and its supporting muscles.

Why Do You Have Muscle Imbalances?

There are several things that contribute to and create muscle imbalances such as how active you are, what activities you do frequently, if you exercise, the exercises you perform, how you sit, stand and walk, if you work, what you do for work, etc.

Also, it's very important to note that everyone has muscle imbalances and as you may have already realized, muscle imbalances are responsible for more than just back pain and sciatica. But just to make sure you understand and grasp this concept, here's a quick analogy to help drive home the point.

What happens when you drive your car with unbalanced tires or your steering is out of alignment? Your tires will wear down unevenly and quicker than normal and eventually you'll have a blowout... the same is true for your body!

Even if you injured your back while lifting something or gardening, it is possible that it isn't the underlying cause. What caused it was the months and years of uneven pressure and wear and tear on your body caused by muscle imbalances.

The event simply was your body finally breaking down.

The Secret To Getting Lasting Relief Is...

In order to get long-term relief from back pain you have to start at the beginning, and that's with the muscle imbalances. This means you have to identify the muscle imbalances that you have and then work towards correcting and improving them.

While this may sound complicated, the good news is it isn't!

So how do you do find out which muscle imbalances you have?

Use This Simple 3 Step Formula To Eliminate Your Back Pain...

1. Identify the Cause

The first thing you need to do is identify the dysfunctions you have and the muscle imbalances that have created it. You can do this by performing a series of "self-assessments".

It has been found that there are four primary dysfunctions that are either directly responsible for, or contribute to, nearly every single case of back pain or sciatica. And you will be able to easily identify them using some simple tests.

Once you've identified your dysfunctions and imbalances, then it's time for step two.

2. Treat the Symptoms

You can't correct the problem if your pain is so severe you can't move. So in this step you'll implement various strategies to help reduce and manage your pain so you can focus on correcting the dysfunction(s) that are responsible for your pain. Then you're on to step three, which is…

3. Treat the Cause and Condition

Remember, pain is just a warning signal from your body telling you that you need to fix a problem.

So in this step you work on treating the cause, which is the dysfunctions and the muscle imbalances that created it and also implementing additional treatments and strategies that are specific to the condition you may have been diagnosed with.

Beginning any treatment plan without first identifying all of the muscle imbalances is a recipe for failure and frustration. And unfortunately, that's what typically happens in today's medical community.

An easy to follow program is available that anyone can use to find out what's really causing their pain and actually get rid of it… It's called The Lose the Back Pain System.

It consists of a series of Self Assessments or tests, you can do on your own, in the comfort of your own home, to identify the physical dysfunctions and muscle imbalances you have... and pinpoint exactly what's causing your back pain or sciatica.

Then you begin your personalized self-treatment program that will include Pain Reduction Strategies, the exact Corrective Exercises and Stretches you need to be doing and also Condition Specific Recommendations which target any specific condition(s) you may have been diagnosed with.

A free copy of 7 Day Back Pain Cure is available for you at this link.
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