Tennis elbow is a very frustrating injury to deal with and to get rid of.
It is a repetitive strain injury and regardless of its name it doesn't just come from playing tennis, in fact it comes from anything that requires repetitive over exertion movements of the armfor example plumbers and mechanics using wrenches are vulnerable to this injury.
This injury can become a burden for you with your everyday activities, you may find yourself in pain opening doors, lifting objects, twisting things and even holding a cup of coffee can be a real pain.
A very effective way to deal with this injury however is by tennis elbow exercises.
You may think that by exercising a strained muscle you can lengthen the injury but in this case what you are doing is strengthening the muscle, increasing the range of mobility and decreasing the amount of stiffness in the arm (which you don't want when you are going through the healing process).
Exercise 1 - Rubber Ball Squeeze For this exercise all you need is a rubber ball or a tennis ball.
What you need to do is hold this in your palm and squeeze down on it until you can't go anymore and then release and repeat.
Do this a few times a day in the morning and evening (if you can't compress the balls you may find using a cut up sponge is easier).
Exercise 2 - Wrist Lift For this exercise you will need a can (like a can of soup) or a light weight.
Place your injured arm on a flat surface with you wrist and palm hanging off the edge.
With your can in your hand you want to slowly curl the wrist up until it is 90 degrees with your forearm and then go back own until it is parallel to the ground.
Repeat this a few times a day but make sure you stop if its starts getting painful.
It is a repetitive strain injury and regardless of its name it doesn't just come from playing tennis, in fact it comes from anything that requires repetitive over exertion movements of the armfor example plumbers and mechanics using wrenches are vulnerable to this injury.
This injury can become a burden for you with your everyday activities, you may find yourself in pain opening doors, lifting objects, twisting things and even holding a cup of coffee can be a real pain.
A very effective way to deal with this injury however is by tennis elbow exercises.
You may think that by exercising a strained muscle you can lengthen the injury but in this case what you are doing is strengthening the muscle, increasing the range of mobility and decreasing the amount of stiffness in the arm (which you don't want when you are going through the healing process).
Exercise 1 - Rubber Ball Squeeze For this exercise all you need is a rubber ball or a tennis ball.
What you need to do is hold this in your palm and squeeze down on it until you can't go anymore and then release and repeat.
Do this a few times a day in the morning and evening (if you can't compress the balls you may find using a cut up sponge is easier).
Exercise 2 - Wrist Lift For this exercise you will need a can (like a can of soup) or a light weight.
Place your injured arm on a flat surface with you wrist and palm hanging off the edge.
With your can in your hand you want to slowly curl the wrist up until it is 90 degrees with your forearm and then go back own until it is parallel to the ground.
Repeat this a few times a day but make sure you stop if its starts getting painful.