Health & Medical Adolescent Health

First Time Pregnancy - 8 Teliing Signs and Symtoms

If this is your first time pregnancy, you are not aure if you are really pregnant. Some women might experience some but others experience all of the following symptoms. If you do not have all of the symptoms yet, you might notice the other symptoms week by week so keep calm and don't worry. Unfortunately, some of the symptoms might even be confused with other illnesses so you have to be careful.

1. Missing Your Period.

Skipped period is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. It can also be caused by other reasons such as illness, stress, discontinuing the oral contraceptive pill, weight gain or polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a situation whereby your periods isn't regular and happens once in several months. You need to have additional pregnancy symptoms to confirm your first time pregnancy.

2. Morning Sickness.

If you are really fortunate, you won't suffer from this symptom at all. The other ladies who are not so blessed do suffer from it in the first few months of the pregnancy. You might suffer from it in the morning or in the evening. Nausea and Vomiting can be happen 2 weeks after conception. It only happens in the first couple of months so, you don't have to worry too much about it.

3. Feeling More Tired Than Normal.

You might also suffer fatigue or low energy. Since this is a confusing symptom, it could also be a signal of other sickness as well. You need to confirm it with your own physician and do some test especially either the urine or blood test for confirmation.

4. Your Breast Feels More Tender. You Have Sensitive Breast.

You will also see the changing of size and feel to your breast. Your breast will feel larger than normal in order to prepare for breastfeeding. Your breast will feel more sensitive and tender. You might also have a very sharp, tingling sensation as well.

5. The Area Around Your Nipple Looks A Bit Darker.

In your first time pregnancy, the area around your nipple will look a bit darker. This could be seen as one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.

6. Backaches & Migranes

In the early stages of you first time pregnancy, the sudden increase of hormones in your body may make you to suffer from headaches. Take a short break whenever you have the headaches. It is something that you have to go through in your pregnancy.

In addition, you might suffer from lower backaches also in the early stages of pregnancy. Don't be surprised if you have the nasty backache throughout your pregnancy.

7. Changes In Your Preferance of Food Especially Your Taste Buds.

You might feel uneasy when you eat or smell certain types of food especially oily food, so it is a good idea to shun those food. At the same time, you might have unusual cravings for other food which you do not normally eat. You may find that your liking for sourish food like preserved food increasing. You will have to educate your spouse about it so that he will comprehend your mood swings and food cravings when you force him up in the middle of the night. It would be awesome to get his help and if he tries to buy you the food that you crave for.

8. Going to the Washroom More Regularly.

You do not know why you need to go to the toilet more times. This nornally happen two weeks after conception. Most women hate this because it is so inconvenient. When the pregnancy hormone progesterone increases, it will stimulate the bladder muscles. This is why you bladder feels like it will burst even though you might not need to urinate yet.

Becareful of another problem that you might encounter which is passing motion. You need to drink enough water to steer clear of having this problem. In addition, try to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables everyday.

If you feel that you are having a few of the symptoms as explained above, you should go to the drug store and buy a home pregnancy test kit. Use the test kit for confirmation of your first time pregnancy. If your test turns out to be positive then congratulations to you. Make an appointment with your local doctor as soon as possible to confirm your pregnancy. This will be the beginning of your 8 months or less journey of follow-up consultationsa with your physician in your first time pregnancy.
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