Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

The Different Of Celebrity Gossip And News Reports

Celebrities are probably the most popular human being on Earth making them the number one issue for different tabloids, magazines and news websites. If current events and other political issues are considered as news, celebrity reports is often described as gossips instead.

Basically, celebrities are also humans so when reports come in, they are usually about the private life of the celebrity. So what is the difference of celebrity gossip from other reports?

Reports are based on factual information that has something to do with current events, places, people and politics. These reports are usually the top news and headlines of newspapers, live feeds and websites and it is also reported on radio and television.

Basically, these gossips only talks about the personal issues, scandals and other stuffs that are related to the personal life of celebrities. For celebrity fans, gossips are very important because this is their way to know how their favorite celebrities live. This is also known as the consequence of Fame. A famous celebrity can expect a lot of issues and gossips about them. Actually, even a very small mistake can be a big issue.

If you will look at it, gossips are more popular than current events or politics. A large part of the population is more concerned on celebrity issues rather than current events. They are faster to circulate not only in magazines but also to various websites on the Internet. Millions of people are surfing the web around the world so it is fastest possible way to spread gossips about celebrities.

If you will look at the number of people who are only interested on current events and factual information, it is only less than a quarter of the total population. Elderly people and business people are usually the ones who are interested on current events and politics. The people who are interested on entertainment gossips are children ages 8 to 12, teenagers, and all the people under the age of 50. It may be related to music or movies and other events that are happening to celebrities.

Gossips are not actually factual information since they are based on speculation and hearsay. It will not be a report unless it is actually confirmed by the celebrity. It will stay as gossip until these speculations and hearsays have been confirmed.

This is probably what makes gossips different from factual reports about current events and politics.
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