Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Pitching For success: How To Make Your Own Baseball Cap

Baseball is one of the biggest sports in the United States and other parts of the world and it isn't hard to see why. The drama of great pitching, precise batting and the awesome sight of the home run is enough to send anyone into a frenzy. Millions upon millions of baseball merchandise is sold each year and it is truly an amazing statistic for a sport that relies on a ball, a stick, mitts and a decent sized space to be played.

One of the biggest phenomenons to ever come out of baseball to find its own personal legend and place in the world would be the baseball cap. Not only is it a prerequisite for all baseball fans, it has become one of the biggest fashion icons and statements ever developed. From the rebellious turned back cap of the 80s and 90s to the red cap of Limp Bizkit fame, the baseball cap has transcended the popularity of the sport and created a legend of its own.

Some caps however are quite pricey. And there are a lot of us who just don't want to shell out money for things they can make themselves. And when the creative bug hits you, it is always wise to give in to it. All cap enthusiasts, rejoice! You now have the choice of making your own baseball cap with a few materials and some creative juices. However you will need materials, like any other creative project.

Here are the things you will need to make your own baseball cap:

polyester (3 x 3 feet)
clothing rubber (4 x 10 in.)
sewing machine
sewing needle
sewing thread
MLB team patch
4 open buttons
1 closed button
tape measure

Having the right stuff to make a cap does not a cap make however. There is a process to making the perfect baseball cap, one which you will be proud to call your own. If you have all these materials and are ready to make your own cap, just visit: http://howtomakestuff.com/2008/04/22/clothing-and-accessories-15/.
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