Business & Finance mortgage

Citimortgage Loan Modification Program - Know Your Options

Those individuals who are having a hard time making the payments on their mortgage with Citi have some option to consider.

Though foreclosure seems to be the most common thing in the real estate world today, the banks do not want to take this route. It is a better situation for everyone involved when people are actually able to get their finances under control and make the payments at the appropriate times. With that being said, this is sometimes only possible when a person's mortgage is completely revamped. Under certain circumstances, you can do this through the lender's loan modification program.

Hector Milla Editor of the "Best Mortgage Loan Modification" website -- -- pointed out;

What is loan modification?

"…There are a few different things that banks like Citi do in order to help out people who are struggling. Depending upon the situation, they might modify the loan by forgiving some of the principal or decreasing the interest rate for a determinant period. This is the best option for people with financial issues, since it provides a real boost in one's ability to make payments. The lender will work with you to determine the best route, and they'll sometimes decide to extend your loan period to help make the payments lower. The idea is to create a situation where you can consistently make payments, so a host of different techniques are necessary to do this…"

Who qualifies for loan modification?

If you are interested in signing on with the Citimortgage loan modification program, you have to fall within a couple different categories. You will need to have suffered some form of financial hardship, though that can be constituted by many different instances. Some of the most common types of accepted hardship include losing your job suddenly and unexpectedly, going through a divorce, having a spouse or wage earner pass away, or having some form of sudden disability. If one of these things takes place and it impacts your ability to successfully pay down a loan, then you need to get in contact with a program to help.

"…In order to qualify for this type of thing, you have to be careful with how you write the explanation letter and how you frame your situation. There are companies out there that help with this, and people who are struggling to come up with answers would be wise to use some of these resources. Loan modification makes sense, and smart people are using it to their advantage today…" added H. Milla.

Further information about how to get professional assistance with a mortgage loan modification by visiting;
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