Travel & Places Travel & Places

If Youre Planning A Trip To Europe Then Why Not Use The Eurotunnel

For anybody whos planning a trip to Europe, in particular France, the Eurotunnel should certainly be considered as a potential route there. For any of you readers that are not already aware the Eurotunnel, also known as the Channel Tunnel, or affectionately the Chunnel, is a 32-mile long under sea tunnel that links England to France at a depth of 75 metres. Despite the fact that the Seiken tunnel in Japan is actually one-mile longer and 240 metres below sea level the Channel tunnel is still known as the longest under sae tunnel and is considered one of the seven wonders of the modern world.

There is no doubt the Eurotunnel is a crucial link between French and British economies, carrying cars, trains, and passengers. And you may be surprised to learn that it is actually cheaper than many of the other alternatives that are available to somebody wishing to travel between Britain and France. The tunnel links Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom to Collquelles, Pas-de-Calais, in northern France across the English Channel at the Strait of Dover, (the shortest part of the Channel), and it is said that on a clear day the white cliffs of Dover can be seen from Calais.

Even though the actual construction of the Channel tunnel did not begin until 1994 the initial idea was actually proposed as long ago as 1802. But because of some quite significant political pressure from the media surrounding national security the actually construction was delayed for a considerable amount of time. Eventually in 1988 the Eurotunnel project was put into action, but is came at quite a substantial price. In fact the project reached a staggering 80% over the predicted budget. Since its construction there have been a number of issues that have come about surrounding the tunnel including but not limited to fires, illegal immigrants, and asylum seekers that have attempted to use the tunnel to gain entry to the United Kingdom.

Despite the fact that there were some major set backs and the budget was massively exceeded the Channel tunnel still remains the most financially viable option for anyone wishing to travel from Britain to France; one ticket can cover a car and up to 9 passengers. Furthermore it can often prove time efficient too, people who choose to use the Channel Tunnel can sometimes make the crossing in as little as half an hour. And depending on what their route is the train can even sometimes take them right to their final destination.
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