A trek is an outdoor activity where people take hiking trips for days on the often-rugged backcountry and where the common means of transportation is generally not available. Trekkers would take on longer trips, moving from place to place, covering and exploring their chosen regions of the world. Trekking is a long journey on foot. It is not to be confused with mountaineering or backpacking.
Mountaineering or mountain climbing is a day hiking activity where individuals or groups walk on trails and parks during the day but does not camp overnight. This outdoor activity is usually favored by casual hikers and outdoor lovers who are bothered by safety while on the trail. Day hikers pack lightly, eliminating sleeping bags, tents and other necessities for overnight camping. With a light backpack, hiking outdoors becomes more comfortable against the excessive heat and glare of the sun.
Backpacking is popular in many parts of the world. Unlike mountaineering, backpackers usually camp overnight to a certain location. They carry a backpack that contains food, hiking gear, first aid kit and necessities according to their needs. Backpacking can last months for through-hikers who replenish their supplies along the way. Through-hikers are backpackers that hike a long-distance trail end-to-end.
Trekking can be done anywhere in the world. The most popular areas for trekkers are mountainous regions. Trekkers move from one continent to another, exploring land that can only be explored by foot. Trekking is different from other types of outdoor activity. It is an ultimate adventure. It gives a sense of freedom and amazement. Seeing nature up-close and view sceneries that can only be seen when you are up out there is exhilarating.
Since trekkers travel for extended period, they must carry with them all the essentials of the whole trip. The essentials include a backpack that can comfortably fit a maximum of at least 40 pounds or 18 kg of clothing and gear. These must primarily include equipment such as warm clothing, a first aid kit and an emergency supply of food and water.
It is recommended that a beginner must be in the company of someone experienced in trekking or be part of a group led by a professional. This will educate them to the special skills needed to complete an overland journey of significant length.
All trekkers, mountaineers and backpackers use a GPS device and since these outdoor activities are mostly done in out of network coverage areas, they use BackCountry Navigator Android GPS app. BackCountry Navigator allow the users to view pre-downloaded maps on their Smartphones, map locations and record their trips without the need of network connection. It is very useful for offline use, and deserves to be one of the top Android travel apps. BackCountry Navigator will provide you direction and precise location, which is equally important as any trekking gear.
Have a wonderful and safe trek out there.
Mountaineering or mountain climbing is a day hiking activity where individuals or groups walk on trails and parks during the day but does not camp overnight. This outdoor activity is usually favored by casual hikers and outdoor lovers who are bothered by safety while on the trail. Day hikers pack lightly, eliminating sleeping bags, tents and other necessities for overnight camping. With a light backpack, hiking outdoors becomes more comfortable against the excessive heat and glare of the sun.
Backpacking is popular in many parts of the world. Unlike mountaineering, backpackers usually camp overnight to a certain location. They carry a backpack that contains food, hiking gear, first aid kit and necessities according to their needs. Backpacking can last months for through-hikers who replenish their supplies along the way. Through-hikers are backpackers that hike a long-distance trail end-to-end.
Trekking can be done anywhere in the world. The most popular areas for trekkers are mountainous regions. Trekkers move from one continent to another, exploring land that can only be explored by foot. Trekking is different from other types of outdoor activity. It is an ultimate adventure. It gives a sense of freedom and amazement. Seeing nature up-close and view sceneries that can only be seen when you are up out there is exhilarating.
Since trekkers travel for extended period, they must carry with them all the essentials of the whole trip. The essentials include a backpack that can comfortably fit a maximum of at least 40 pounds or 18 kg of clothing and gear. These must primarily include equipment such as warm clothing, a first aid kit and an emergency supply of food and water.
It is recommended that a beginner must be in the company of someone experienced in trekking or be part of a group led by a professional. This will educate them to the special skills needed to complete an overland journey of significant length.
All trekkers, mountaineers and backpackers use a GPS device and since these outdoor activities are mostly done in out of network coverage areas, they use BackCountry Navigator Android GPS app. BackCountry Navigator allow the users to view pre-downloaded maps on their Smartphones, map locations and record their trips without the need of network connection. It is very useful for offline use, and deserves to be one of the top Android travel apps. BackCountry Navigator will provide you direction and precise location, which is equally important as any trekking gear.
Have a wonderful and safe trek out there.