Common reactions to hair loss:
Panic Stricken Mind: Hair is considered as the symbol of strength in many cultures and thus, hair loss may give rise to masculinity factor among many men. They feel panic-stricken thinking if they will become a laughing stock among friends or if the drastic change in their appearance may affect his career prospect somehow. They feel old and run short of youth and enthusiasm.
Self-denial: A very common tendency among men is to deny the hair loss even to themselves, needless to say, they hide it from others. One classic example of not admitting to hair loss is the comb over. Even many husbands don't tell their wives that they are losing hair. Such self-denial and secretive nature may lead to poor treatment making the situation even worse.
Humiliation: People suffering from hair loss often feel extremely humiliated for they have to encounter teasing and taunting from their friends. Sometimes, they take it all inside not reacting at all as they feel overt reaction might lead to more severe taunting. This causes a deeper psychological impact among them. Sometimes such humiliations make men so desperate that they take impulsive decisions regarding their treatment procedures.
Fixation: One who is losing hair from several areas of head tends to focus on a particular region like the monk's spot. Such fixation withholds one from getting a holistic view of his/her hair loss.
Complex and Jealousy: Men going through hair transplant may develop inferiority complex in their minds, which in turn makes them jealous of friends having heads covered with dense hair.
Social Isolation: Men feel socially isolated and taken aback from attending any function or gathering. Some of them also feel "unmanly" to share their worries associated with hair loss.
However, this is just the flip side of the coin; there is another side as well. Medical science has made significant advancement in the domain of hair transplantation and the surgery works like wonder restoring one's lost hair and hairline.
The surgery takes hardly a day and is performed on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia is applied to the regions that need transplantation. The patient can sleep or read a book during the procedure. Once the follicular units are chosen from the donor site, the patient can walk around, while the surgeons make the units ready for further steps. After the follicles are ready, another round of anesthesia will be administered, this time to the recipient area. Then the surgeon will make small incisions on the scalp and each unit will be placed with meticulous attention keeping a close check on the angle and depth of the units to provide the patient with an extremely natural looking hairline.
Panic Stricken Mind: Hair is considered as the symbol of strength in many cultures and thus, hair loss may give rise to masculinity factor among many men. They feel panic-stricken thinking if they will become a laughing stock among friends or if the drastic change in their appearance may affect his career prospect somehow. They feel old and run short of youth and enthusiasm.
Self-denial: A very common tendency among men is to deny the hair loss even to themselves, needless to say, they hide it from others. One classic example of not admitting to hair loss is the comb over. Even many husbands don't tell their wives that they are losing hair. Such self-denial and secretive nature may lead to poor treatment making the situation even worse.
Humiliation: People suffering from hair loss often feel extremely humiliated for they have to encounter teasing and taunting from their friends. Sometimes, they take it all inside not reacting at all as they feel overt reaction might lead to more severe taunting. This causes a deeper psychological impact among them. Sometimes such humiliations make men so desperate that they take impulsive decisions regarding their treatment procedures.
Fixation: One who is losing hair from several areas of head tends to focus on a particular region like the monk's spot. Such fixation withholds one from getting a holistic view of his/her hair loss.
Complex and Jealousy: Men going through hair transplant may develop inferiority complex in their minds, which in turn makes them jealous of friends having heads covered with dense hair.
Social Isolation: Men feel socially isolated and taken aback from attending any function or gathering. Some of them also feel "unmanly" to share their worries associated with hair loss.
However, this is just the flip side of the coin; there is another side as well. Medical science has made significant advancement in the domain of hair transplantation and the surgery works like wonder restoring one's lost hair and hairline.
The surgery takes hardly a day and is performed on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia is applied to the regions that need transplantation. The patient can sleep or read a book during the procedure. Once the follicular units are chosen from the donor site, the patient can walk around, while the surgeons make the units ready for further steps. After the follicles are ready, another round of anesthesia will be administered, this time to the recipient area. Then the surgeon will make small incisions on the scalp and each unit will be placed with meticulous attention keeping a close check on the angle and depth of the units to provide the patient with an extremely natural looking hairline.