Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How To Start A Plr Business For Less Than $50

As you probably know, making money online is easier said than done. It's hard enough to turn a profit, but turning a profit with no investment is almost impossible. I've been at this money-making thing since May of 2009, and I just recently started to see a substantial profit.

I have finally started to make some Clickbank commissions, but that's because my blog just achieved a page rank of 4, and my articles are beginning to get picked up by Google. That took almost 8 months to accomplish. The big change lately hasn't come from that, though. It's come from the starting of my own private label rights business.

For those who don't know about PLR, it's simple. PLR (private label rights) products are generally ebooks and software created by others, then sold along with the product's rights. Depending on the author's wishes, you can alter, re-write, and spin the product to fit your needs and then re-sell it. Most of the products come with a ready made website and promo materials, so you can start selling right away.

I started my business about two weeks ago, and sales have already begun to roll in. I made two sales yesterday, and one today. You have to promote the products and websites just like you would any affiliate products. That means advertising, article writing, leaving comments, forums, etc. It's not easy money by any means. It also requires a little investment. Like my dad always says, "You have to spend money to make money".

You don't have to spend a ton of money to get going, however. You can get going for less than $50. Basically, you'll need a few things. They are:


First and foremost, you'll need something to sell. There are a lot of ways to get PLR products. You can even get some for free, but I don't recommend that. Many people have already got the free products and the net is saturated with them. That means less sales for you. There are also many PLR membership sites. They're a little pricy, and I don't recommend them until you get going and get your feet wet. That leaves the option I chose. Find a PLR package that is reasonably priced with about 5 to 10 decent products. That's plenty to get you started. I went with a site called Private Label Rights Blowout. I got 15 good PLR products for $19.95. Cost so far: $19.95.

Web Hosting

The beauty of PLR is that the products come with pre-made sites. You'll have to do some minor editing, like adding your name and product price, but that's about it. They're pretty much ready to upload to your server and start selling. You can get cheap web hosting in a lot of places, but I didn't know if this business was for me and I just didn't want to make the hosting committment right away. I chose to look for some free hosting. Most free hosting is unreliable or requires you to advertise for them on your site. I got lucky and found two free hosting services that had good uptimes (90-95%) and gave you free reign to show your sites only.

1. 50Webs - They're easy to use, and you get 60MB of disk space for free. That's plenty. I've got 10 sites operating on their server and I've only used 11MB so far. They're FTP compatible and you can register as many domains as you like. This is my first choice. Uptime has been about 95 - 99% so far. If you do want to go with paid hosting in the future, they have some nice plans starting at $3 per month. Cost: 0$

2. - This is my second choice. They offer a good free service. No ads, FTP access, CPanel, and unlimited free domains (you can only open 1 every 24 hours). If you don't have a domain, they'll set you up with one of their sub-domains. Uptime is about 90-95% so far. They also offer a paid service at $4.84 per month. Cost: $0 / Total cost so far: $19.95


It's always best to have your sites operate on their own domains instead of sub-domains. For this purpose, I chose CO.CC . This company will give you 10 free domain names (ex: They're not .coms, but they're free and I've had no problem getting them indexed by Google or Yahoo. If you are like me and you want more than 10 domains, you can make a $10 donation to them and you'll be able to register as many as 100 domains. Cost: $10 / Total cost so far: $29.95

Payment Processor

You'll need a way to collect payment, or else why bother, right? Right. The easiest way to go is a Paypal account. They have everything you need to get started. You can link them to your bank account, accept credit cards, and even add "buy now" buttons to your web pages or blog(s). The good thing about Paypal is that they are reliable, secure, and almost everyone has an account. The service is also free, but they have paid options as well for more complicated merchant needs. The free service is all you'll need for now. Cost - $0

Affiliate Program

One of the biggest ways to get sales is to let other people promote your product for you. However, they aren't going to do it for free. You'll have to give them a cut. They'll also need a way to find out what you are selling. That's where affiliate programs come in. You've got several options here. There's always Clickbank. They are about the best and most well known but you'll need to fork over a $50 processing fee to get started. Ouch! Too rich for my blood right now. I'm just starting out. I decided to pass on Clickbank - for now. There are three options I chose to go with, and they are all very reasonable.

1. E-Junkie - This is a nice little service. They don't have all of the bells and whistles that Clickbank has, but they'll be fine to get you started. They have several nice features. They will store your download files for you and handle your payment processing (through Paypal) and file delivery, and they also have a marketplace. You'll also get your own customizable store to display your products as well. They are really reasonable and they have several program tiers. The program I chose is the base program which is $5 per month. With that, I can list up to 10 products in their marketplace. Cost: $5 / Total cost so far: $34.95

2. PayDotCom - This is a really great service, and I think it's comparable to Clickbank. They offer all of the major tools that you'll need: affiliate promotion page, payment buttons, custom payment page, customizable affiliate promo tools for each product, marketplace, advertising, etc. They've got it going on. The bad news is that the free membership only entitles you to list one product. If you want to list unlimited products, you'll need to get the lifetime premium membership at $29.00. That's well worth it, but I'm just starting out, so I opted for the free service for now. Cost: $0 / Total cost so far $34.95

3. Tradebit - Tradebit is a great service and it's more like an electronic marketplace than an affiliate program. They do, however, have an affiliate program and other members and customers can promote your products. You decide what the affiliate commission will be. They offer payment buttons (through Paypal) and an HTML ad for each of your products. You can add this to your blog for a great looking ad and it links directly to your listing. They have a one-time fee of $4.95, and that allows you to list unlimited products for life. They do take a cut of each sale, however. Cost: $4.95

Total Cost - $39.90

Well, there you have it folks. This is exactly how I've started my private label rights business for under $50. I even have $10.10 to spare! That could be used to pick up a few more PLR products or maybe even some web hosting. If you follow this outline, you will make money selling PLR. You just need to be creative. Take advantage of free marketing tools like classifieds (Craigslist), article marketing (E-Zine Articles, HubPages, GoArticles, etc), and blogs (Blogger, And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've included some links to some of my PLR product pages below (some of them you've seen on this blog), so you can get and idea of what your pages could look like.

After you get your feet wet and you decide you like it, you can get into things like email list building and opt-in lists (AWeber) and PPC advertising (Google Adsense). It will take work, however. This isn't easy money by any means. I've been putting in at least 8 hours each day for two weeks now, and I just started to see results. It also doesn't hurt to have a well-written PLR guide or manual like 15 Day Resell Rights Success on hand. Remember, keep a positive attitude and a good work ethic, and you will achieve success.

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