We analyze several housing market indicators in order to present an in-depth breakdown of Santa Ana Homes Market comparing February 2009 to February 2010.
Summary of Key Points Santa Ana Homes for Sale has started showing signs of improvement with median sales price climbing up and sellers receiving asking price for their listings.
Key Statistics, Santa Ana, CA: Median Sales Price (10.
71%), Median Days on Market (110.
50%), and Number of Units Sold (-34.
81%), Sales Price to List Price Ratio (Feb 09 99% - Feb 10 100%).
Median sales price increased and sellers received asking price for their listings.
Santa Ana Homes The city of Santa Ana experienced a 10.
71% increase in median sales price from last year going up from $311,400 (Feb.
09) to $344,746 (Feb.
Median days on market data for Santa Ana show that houses are selling slower than Feb 09.
It took 27 days in Feb 09 for a house to sell and for Feb 10 that number has gone up to 56 days (a 110.
50% deterioration).
Another important factor to consider is total number of units sold.
In the month of Feb 09, 135 units were sold compared to 88 for Feb 10 (-34.
81% change).
Lastly we are going to take a look at the Sales Price to List Price Ratio for Santa Ana.
SP/LP ratio for Feb 09 was 99% compared to 100% for Feb 10.
Let's take a brief look at neighbors Irvine and Aliso Viejo.
Irvine Homes featured a 15.
54% decrease in median sales price ($1,021,650 Feb 09 - $862,875 Feb 10) and Aliso Viejo Homes saw a 21.
42% increase ($468,352 Feb 09 - $568,687 Feb 10).
Are houses in Irvine and Aliso Viejo selling faster or slower this year? Irvine experienced a 6.
01% increase (65 to 68 days) in median days on market and Aliso Viejo a 71.
78% increase (33 to 57 days).
In the units sold category, Irvine sold 24 units more (60.
00%) in Feb 2010 than 09 and Aliso Viejo sold 5 units more (45.
45%) in Feb 2010 than Feb 09.
Consult latest research and find Homes in all major cities in California including Irvine Homes, Aliso Viejo Homes.
Summary of Key Points Santa Ana Homes for Sale has started showing signs of improvement with median sales price climbing up and sellers receiving asking price for their listings.
Key Statistics, Santa Ana, CA: Median Sales Price (10.
71%), Median Days on Market (110.
50%), and Number of Units Sold (-34.
81%), Sales Price to List Price Ratio (Feb 09 99% - Feb 10 100%).
Median sales price increased and sellers received asking price for their listings.
Santa Ana Homes The city of Santa Ana experienced a 10.
71% increase in median sales price from last year going up from $311,400 (Feb.
09) to $344,746 (Feb.
Median days on market data for Santa Ana show that houses are selling slower than Feb 09.
It took 27 days in Feb 09 for a house to sell and for Feb 10 that number has gone up to 56 days (a 110.
50% deterioration).
Another important factor to consider is total number of units sold.
In the month of Feb 09, 135 units were sold compared to 88 for Feb 10 (-34.
81% change).
Lastly we are going to take a look at the Sales Price to List Price Ratio for Santa Ana.
SP/LP ratio for Feb 09 was 99% compared to 100% for Feb 10.
Let's take a brief look at neighbors Irvine and Aliso Viejo.
Irvine Homes featured a 15.
54% decrease in median sales price ($1,021,650 Feb 09 - $862,875 Feb 10) and Aliso Viejo Homes saw a 21.
42% increase ($468,352 Feb 09 - $568,687 Feb 10).
Are houses in Irvine and Aliso Viejo selling faster or slower this year? Irvine experienced a 6.
01% increase (65 to 68 days) in median days on market and Aliso Viejo a 71.
78% increase (33 to 57 days).
In the units sold category, Irvine sold 24 units more (60.
00%) in Feb 2010 than 09 and Aliso Viejo sold 5 units more (45.
45%) in Feb 2010 than Feb 09.
Consult latest research and find Homes in all major cities in California including Irvine Homes, Aliso Viejo Homes.