Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

An Insight To Digital And Analog Televisions

Everyone knows what television is! It is the rectangular box with a glass screen in the front which has the ability to empower people through its reach or convert them into lazy people who shun everything for the viewing pleasure. In the past, around the late 1970s if people were asked what their favorite past-time was, the answer used to vary in a lot of ways. Nowadays, the majority of the people answer something similar. They all say that their favorite thing to do after a long, hard day at work is to sit on a couch and stare at their television set.
Modern Era of Television
Television has crafted a long journey from humble black and white singular programs controlled by the government to the free flowing media today; from the monotonous talk shows and news reports to the galvanizing live debates today, TV has surely come a very long way. In terms of technology the machine itself has seen a sea of changes.
Since the conception of TV, it uses an analog signal to display pictures and render voice. This can be understood as follows:
1.A broadcaster relays an image to the broadcast station.
2.The image is converted to an analog signal and transmitted through cables to the viewers TV.
3.The TV converts the signal back to Audio/Video as required and relays them to the viewer.
This was the basic process of showing Audio/Video to all the televisions. Upgrades in the form of TV, from the CRTs to the plasma TV to the LCD and LED and the latest HD TV, didnt change the manner in which the signal is broadcasted, until the coming of the digital signals and their use on the internet for viewing of videos.
Importance of Digital Signals
Digital signals are signals which can be sent through the satellite and received directly at home instead of being called in by cable operators and being redistributed. Internet uses them and the coming of websites like YouTube proved how digital signals allowed better viewing.
A digital signal means larger bandwidth, a stronger signal for longer region of broadcast, more number of channels and better quality of picture and sound. The major players were late to realize that the digital signal was the way forward for the broadcasting as well as the TV business.
Now that they have realized, set-top boxes and personal satellite dishes have become common. To add to all this is the new age digital TV. Such TVs capture the signal and instead of converting it to analog display it using digital format. This makes for the best viewing quality around.
Another update in the TV technology is the 3d TV. Such TVs come with in box 3-D goggles which when worn and used for watching certain channels could bring alive whatever is being viewed.
Panasonic has a wide range of TVs according to the taste and likes of the people. It has one of the best 3d TV ranges in the world. They are among the top-rated TV manufacturers of the world, leading innovation in this field.
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