There are some key factors that I believe are important in establishing a sewing business (or any other business for that matter) and maintaining it.
The key to a successful business may look easy on paper, but may be more work.
Let me outline some of the things I have done to make my business successful.
Since I work for and am paid primarily by law enforcement and fire agencies, one thing I do as soon as I take on a new agency is to find that one contact person who has the authority to give me instructions and who has knowledge of the clothing issues relevant to that agency.
This person becomes my source of contact whenever I have any questions.
Getting to know your client is a second goal in beginning and maintaining a business.
Some of the agencies I work for offer Citizens Academies.
So I signed up and learned all I could through their classes on how the agency functioned and met some of the staff.
Then with the law enforcement agencies, I was able to go on ride-alongs with police officers.
This gave me even more information about who I was working for and it allowed me to get to know the officers.
I still make it a practice to go on ride-alongs.
Just being visible and available leads to success.
Thirdly going the extra mile is always beneficial.
It proves you are committed to what you are doing.
For the first 5 years, I went to one of my larger agency location to pick up and drop off clothes.
I would stay a couple of hours so that officers could meet with me on-site rather than at my home business location.
Officers new I would be there on a certain day and time each week.
It was a convenience for them and for me.
And again, it allowed me to get to know who I was working for.
Though my business grew so much that I had to stop the weekly on-site visits, I still make arrangements to pick up and deliver clothing once or twice a week with two of my larger agencies.
Fourth, in the world of law enforcement and fire, efficiency and quality of work are absolutely essential.
Good turn-around service and excellent work is what the customer is looking for.
I believe that this is one reason that I never had to advertise my business.
It spoke for itself.
It meets the needs of the client, and word gets around to other agencies.
Fifth, commitment to your client needs to be evident and clear.
That can be proven in many ways.
Having a positive attitude towards those who come to you.
Listening to their concerns and needs as it relates to the service that you are providing is also essential.
Showing courtesy and respect can go a long way.
I have outlined some key components of working successfully with clients.
These components can be modified to any particular business you are interested in.
News will travel quickly if you apply these principles.
Word-of-mouth is the best advertising there is.
The key to a successful business may look easy on paper, but may be more work.
Let me outline some of the things I have done to make my business successful.
Since I work for and am paid primarily by law enforcement and fire agencies, one thing I do as soon as I take on a new agency is to find that one contact person who has the authority to give me instructions and who has knowledge of the clothing issues relevant to that agency.
This person becomes my source of contact whenever I have any questions.
Getting to know your client is a second goal in beginning and maintaining a business.
Some of the agencies I work for offer Citizens Academies.
So I signed up and learned all I could through their classes on how the agency functioned and met some of the staff.
Then with the law enforcement agencies, I was able to go on ride-alongs with police officers.
This gave me even more information about who I was working for and it allowed me to get to know the officers.
I still make it a practice to go on ride-alongs.
Just being visible and available leads to success.
Thirdly going the extra mile is always beneficial.
It proves you are committed to what you are doing.
For the first 5 years, I went to one of my larger agency location to pick up and drop off clothes.
I would stay a couple of hours so that officers could meet with me on-site rather than at my home business location.
Officers new I would be there on a certain day and time each week.
It was a convenience for them and for me.
And again, it allowed me to get to know who I was working for.
Though my business grew so much that I had to stop the weekly on-site visits, I still make arrangements to pick up and deliver clothing once or twice a week with two of my larger agencies.
Fourth, in the world of law enforcement and fire, efficiency and quality of work are absolutely essential.
Good turn-around service and excellent work is what the customer is looking for.
I believe that this is one reason that I never had to advertise my business.
It spoke for itself.
It meets the needs of the client, and word gets around to other agencies.
Fifth, commitment to your client needs to be evident and clear.
That can be proven in many ways.
Having a positive attitude towards those who come to you.
Listening to their concerns and needs as it relates to the service that you are providing is also essential.
Showing courtesy and respect can go a long way.
I have outlined some key components of working successfully with clients.
These components can be modified to any particular business you are interested in.
News will travel quickly if you apply these principles.
Word-of-mouth is the best advertising there is.