- 1). Put together a persuasive resume and cover letter. You'll need a resume and cover letter to apply for jobs online. Go to the Formica website, and research what the company is about and what it is looking for in an employee. Then, tailor your resume and cover letter to meet the company's needs.
- 2). Apply at the Formica website. Once you hit the home page, you'll see there are several country locations listed. Pick the country you live in. To apply for a position, you may have to either go to the "careers" section of the website or the "contact us" section. The North America Formica website has a career section. However, that option may not be available on the other countries' home pages. For those websites, use the "contact us" link and inquire about a position.
- 3). Apply for Formica jobs on Simply Hired. Big job websites like Simply Hired have plenty of Formica positions available. Go to Simply Hired and type "Formica" into the search box. Click on the link for a position that interests you, and fill in your information to apply.