Warts can be very stubborn to remove.
The standard removal procedures used by dermatologists are expensive, painful and many times do not work.
Ordinary people have used their own home grown wart removal procedures for centuries.
Apparently many of these actually work.
Some of the home remedies may seem a little wacky but who can argue with success.
Warts occur when the human papilloma virus enters through cracks in the skin.
A hard protein, keratin, released by the virus makes the skin grow too fast thus forming the wart.
Warts mostly occur on the hands and feet.
Most of the time warts will go away by themselves but sometimes a sufferer will get many warts that spread.
You should not scratch or pick at warts because they are contagious and this makes them spread.
Treating warts can be frustrating for both the patient and the doctor.
The standard medical procedures are treating them with salicylic acid, freezing them or burning them off with laser surgery.
These procedures are often not effective and they can be painful and they are expensive.
As an alternative people turn to home remedies.
Many wart sufferers claim that these home remedies are very effective, cheap and are not painful.
Apple cider vinegar is such a home remedy.
The treatment consists of applying apple cider vinegar on the wart and covering it with a bandage.
Most people soak some cotton in the apple cider vinegar and use the cotton as a swap to apply it.
You might want to protect the skin around the wart with some Vaseline.
It should take about a month of this treatment for the wart to be completely removed.
A rather strange but reportedly effective treatment involves nail polish remover.
Soak the wart with nail polish remover.
Do this nightly until the wart is gone.
It will dissolve layer by layer until eventually it is completely gone.
This treatment was discovered when workers who spray painted cars noticed that their warts went away when they started working in an auto painting shop.
The composition of nail polish remover and automobile paint is very similar.
Many oils and vegetable matter are claimed to have wart removing properties.
Caster oil if rubbed on the wart 2 or 3 times a day is supposed to make the warts dry up and go away.
Others claim the same success with tea oil.
Potatoes are also known to be effective.
Other people claim garlic will remove warts.
Plantar warts are annoying warts that occur on the sole of the feet or toes.
Plantar warts can be particularly difficult to get rid of.
However, a simple technique is just rubbing the warts with a pumice stone.
First soak your feet in some warm water.
After soaking your feet take a pumice stone and rub the warts with it.
After a few days, the plantar wart will dry up and the skin will peel off and the wart will be gone.
Some alternative health practitioners believe that warts are a symptom of an immune deficiency.
Following this theory eating a diet of immune building foods will help prevent warts.
Whether this is true or not living a healthy life style is always important without regard to wart removal.
The standard removal procedures used by dermatologists are expensive, painful and many times do not work.
Ordinary people have used their own home grown wart removal procedures for centuries.
Apparently many of these actually work.
Some of the home remedies may seem a little wacky but who can argue with success.
Warts occur when the human papilloma virus enters through cracks in the skin.
A hard protein, keratin, released by the virus makes the skin grow too fast thus forming the wart.
Warts mostly occur on the hands and feet.
Most of the time warts will go away by themselves but sometimes a sufferer will get many warts that spread.
You should not scratch or pick at warts because they are contagious and this makes them spread.
Treating warts can be frustrating for both the patient and the doctor.
The standard medical procedures are treating them with salicylic acid, freezing them or burning them off with laser surgery.
These procedures are often not effective and they can be painful and they are expensive.
As an alternative people turn to home remedies.
Many wart sufferers claim that these home remedies are very effective, cheap and are not painful.
Apple cider vinegar is such a home remedy.
The treatment consists of applying apple cider vinegar on the wart and covering it with a bandage.
Most people soak some cotton in the apple cider vinegar and use the cotton as a swap to apply it.
You might want to protect the skin around the wart with some Vaseline.
It should take about a month of this treatment for the wart to be completely removed.
A rather strange but reportedly effective treatment involves nail polish remover.
Soak the wart with nail polish remover.
Do this nightly until the wart is gone.
It will dissolve layer by layer until eventually it is completely gone.
This treatment was discovered when workers who spray painted cars noticed that their warts went away when they started working in an auto painting shop.
The composition of nail polish remover and automobile paint is very similar.
Many oils and vegetable matter are claimed to have wart removing properties.
Caster oil if rubbed on the wart 2 or 3 times a day is supposed to make the warts dry up and go away.
Others claim the same success with tea oil.
Potatoes are also known to be effective.
Other people claim garlic will remove warts.
Plantar warts are annoying warts that occur on the sole of the feet or toes.
Plantar warts can be particularly difficult to get rid of.
However, a simple technique is just rubbing the warts with a pumice stone.
First soak your feet in some warm water.
After soaking your feet take a pumice stone and rub the warts with it.
After a few days, the plantar wart will dry up and the skin will peel off and the wart will be gone.
Some alternative health practitioners believe that warts are a symptom of an immune deficiency.
Following this theory eating a diet of immune building foods will help prevent warts.
Whether this is true or not living a healthy life style is always important without regard to wart removal.