The economy is tough for everyone, but perhaps tougher for Kansas residents with the slump in the aircraft market. As a result, many residents are turning to a cash advance to help them get by. A payday loan is a great way to get the cash you need and pay it back quickly. A cash advance can help you bridge the gap from one paycheck to the next while you get back on track. There are several things you must do to acquire a cash advance in Kansas; the payday loan process is relatively simple, however.
Requirements for a cash advance loan in Kansas:
Be 18 years of age or older.
Have a valid government-issued form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
Have a valid bank account in the applicant's name.
Be a citizen of the U.S.., or legal permanent resident.
Provide proof of income, must be recent.
Provide email address and phone number (online applicants)
The payday loan application itself takes less than five minutes to complete. In some cases, borrowers may receive cash immediately. If a borrower prefers funds by direct deposit, lenders can deposit the funds to the borrowers' bank account within one business day in most cases. There are no up-front costs for this type of loan, and borrowers may apply in person, online or via phone. These loans are also available to buyers regardless of credit rating; good credit, bad credit and even no credit is accepted. Repayment is made via a post-dated check provided by the borrower at the time of application, or direct debit. Borrowers can have up to two weeks to repay the loan.
If you are a Kansas resident in need of a short-term payday loan, PaydayLoansCashAdvance wants to help you find a lender that can help meet your needs. We are a trusted name in our business, and can help you find a provider to get you the funds you need in a timely manner. Contact PaydayLoansCashAdvance today and let us help you get the money you need!
Residents of Kansas are able to take out up to $500 in payday loans, and are also able to have up to two loans at one time, as long as the cumulative total of the loans do not exceed the $500 limit. Rolling over a loan is not allowed, which means you cannot use one loan to pay off another. Interest rates are a very comfortable 15%, and there is no cooling off period between loans. If you are a resident of The Sunflower State, and are interested in a payday loan, start here with our easy online application, and we will match you with a qualified lender.
As of March 2013, there have been no further legislative mandates governing the cash advance / payday loan industry.
The following are specific regulations and laws which protect payday loan / cash advance consumers in the state of Kansas:
Maximum Payday Loan Term: 30 Days
Maximum Finance Charges and Fees: 15% Interest with a $15 finance charge for every $100 borrowed
Maximum Loan Amount: $500
Number of Rollovers: None
Outstanding Loans Allowed at Once: Two
Cool-Off Period: N/A
Payment Plan: N/A
Collection Fees: NSF Fees
Presentment Limit: One
Private Right of Action: Civil and criminal charges for fraudulent checks
Military Protection: N/A
Penalties: All loan costs including late fees, arbitration and attorney fees
Requirements for a cash advance loan in Kansas:
Be 18 years of age or older.
Have a valid government-issued form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
Have a valid bank account in the applicant's name.
Be a citizen of the U.S.., or legal permanent resident.
Provide proof of income, must be recent.
Provide email address and phone number (online applicants)
The payday loan application itself takes less than five minutes to complete. In some cases, borrowers may receive cash immediately. If a borrower prefers funds by direct deposit, lenders can deposit the funds to the borrowers' bank account within one business day in most cases. There are no up-front costs for this type of loan, and borrowers may apply in person, online or via phone. These loans are also available to buyers regardless of credit rating; good credit, bad credit and even no credit is accepted. Repayment is made via a post-dated check provided by the borrower at the time of application, or direct debit. Borrowers can have up to two weeks to repay the loan.
If you are a Kansas resident in need of a short-term payday loan, PaydayLoansCashAdvance wants to help you find a lender that can help meet your needs. We are a trusted name in our business, and can help you find a provider to get you the funds you need in a timely manner. Contact PaydayLoansCashAdvance today and let us help you get the money you need!
Residents of Kansas are able to take out up to $500 in payday loans, and are also able to have up to two loans at one time, as long as the cumulative total of the loans do not exceed the $500 limit. Rolling over a loan is not allowed, which means you cannot use one loan to pay off another. Interest rates are a very comfortable 15%, and there is no cooling off period between loans. If you are a resident of The Sunflower State, and are interested in a payday loan, start here with our easy online application, and we will match you with a qualified lender.
As of March 2013, there have been no further legislative mandates governing the cash advance / payday loan industry.
The following are specific regulations and laws which protect payday loan / cash advance consumers in the state of Kansas:
Maximum Payday Loan Term: 30 Days
Maximum Finance Charges and Fees: 15% Interest with a $15 finance charge for every $100 borrowed
Maximum Loan Amount: $500
Number of Rollovers: None
Outstanding Loans Allowed at Once: Two
Cool-Off Period: N/A
Payment Plan: N/A
Collection Fees: NSF Fees
Presentment Limit: One
Private Right of Action: Civil and criminal charges for fraudulent checks
Military Protection: N/A
Penalties: All loan costs including late fees, arbitration and attorney fees