- Restorative justice focuses on offenders' responsibilities to victims and the community.gavel image by Cora Reed from Fotolia.com
Restorative justice refers to the process involved in repairing harm cause by a crime. Traditionally, justice systems have focused on punishing offenders rather than allowing them to face their crimes and realize the impact their actions have on the victims involved. This system largely leaves the victim out of the justice process. Restorative justice includes victims in the process. Restorative justice focuses on the offender's responsibility to the victim and community. This philosophy is believed to help the offender develop understanding and empathy with the wronged parties as well as provide closure to the victims. - The Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA) is an international membership association that provides support and assistance to communities working with restorative justice models. VOMA promotes and provides guidelines and best practices through mediation programs around the world. The organization provides information and resources for restorative justice proponents.
Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA)
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 300
St Paul, Minnesota 55114
voma.org - The American Bar Association's Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice Committee examines alternative resolution techniques and processes that repair the harm caused by crime. It is the committee's goal to provide listings and descriptions of all programs in existence. The committee promotes the concept of criminal mediation through panel discussions and magazine articles.
American Bar Association
321 N. Clark Street
Chicago, Illinois 60654-7598
abanet.org - The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota is dedicated to developing effective responses to crime. This is done through dialogue, crime repair and peacemaking efforts. The Center provides training and research that support restorative dialogue. The center has trained greater than 7,000 people in seminars throughout the United States, Canada and around the world.
University of Minnesota
110 Union Street SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455-0153
cehd.umn.edu - The Justice Fellowship is a Christian organization that is dedicated to reforming the present system of justice in the United States to reflect restorative justice principles. The fellowship employs lobbying on a grassroots level as well as interaction with federal and state government officials. They educate on restorative justice through articles. The Justice Fellowship organization focuses on interaction with government committees to advocate for change in the justice system.
Justice Fellowship
44180 Riverside Parkway
Lansdowne, Virginia 20176
justicefellowship.org - Restorative justice associations are available locally across the nation. These associations provide counseling services to both the offender and the victim, including mediation services. The Justice Fellowship website at justicefellowship.org provides information about these programs as well as links to individual organizations.
American Bar Association
University of Minnesota
Justice Fellowship
Local Associations