Business & Finance Small Business

Need More Clients Now?

If you're struggling to bring new business through the door, that's the first mistake you're making! Struggle does NOT lead to success.
Whether it's more clients, contracts, or sales your business needs now, invest two minutes to learn a three step process that will immediately shift your experience.
Get clear about what you want.
Might seem obvious, but don't miss this crucial first step: know what you want with crystal clarity.
"More clients" could be satisfied by just one new client this month - is that really what you want? Maybe you need six new sales a month to meet your target; or perhaps its $50,000 in weekly revenue.
Maybe it's a combination of metrics.
Whatever it is, get it firmly in mind.
Many business owners I work with have reached the point of desperation to where they're scrambling for anything.
When that's what you've got in mind, that's what you get.
Don't make this mistake.
Get crystal clear and confident about what you want.
And make it good, because you're going to get it! Your goal should feel like a good stretch - not so easy that it doesn't excite you to think about it, and not so big that you're discouraged before you even start.
Put your attention there.
This is the most common mistake people make.
We think about what we don't want, in the form of worry and stress.
Because we get what we think about, keeping attention on the end result is essential to achieving it.
So stop dwelling on what might happen if things don't improve.
Give up the mental rehearsal for failure.
Instead, hold expectations of improvement and success.
Imagine how fabulous you'll feel when things are going exactly as you dreamed! Pretend it's already happened, as a matter of fact.
Act as if you're already the success story of the year! Feel how relaxed, peaceful, energized, or excited you will be when you're getting exactly what you want.
Do what feels good.
This is the other key to getting what we want that most people don't practice.
The more anxious we are to create success, the more we enter a frantic state of "busy action.
" Most of our time is spent scrambling on "how" to make things happen, and we don't make it a priority to relax and feel good.
It's counterintuitive to most business owners! The worse things get, the busier we believe we should be in order to turn it around.
But relaxing is exactly what you must do.
Feel good! Find something to enjoy.
Nothing good happens when you don't feel good yourself.
Take the scenic drive to work; treat yourself to a nice lunch; listen to music that lifts you up.
It doesn't have to be big, but you do need to do something that feels good every day.
Letting go of stress, worry and anxiety will not sabotage your motivation to succeed.
Rather, it invites and allows success into your world.
Remember, your thoughts direct your success.
We create the experience through the vibration of our feelings.
By following this three step process, you'll turn things around in no time.
You can count on it!
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