First of all, let's forget about money and spending and budgeting for now.
The truth is, when people have money problems, it's never really about money.
I've always believed that if we can get to the crux of that problem, then we're 90% of the way there.
This is what I have found.
The main areas that cause money problems are: Lack of self-worth.
Yes, the lack of self-confidence is often the number one cause of lack of money.
Why? Because until you believe you deserve it, you will not take the necessary steps to make it.
Study all successful people and notice how they all have that innate belief that they truly deserve what they achieve.
Have your confused pleasure-seeking with true happiness? Pleasure seeking always leads to over-spending.
Trying to gather too many material things to give you that quick pleasure-fix eventually becomes addictive.
True happiness can only be achieved by what you do - not by what you have.
Lack of training.
Why schools don't teach money management, I'll never know.
Unfortunately, most people can only learn how to manage money from their parents, so if your parents had money problems, you are more than likely to have the same too.
But all is not lost - read books, articles and biographies of successful people and learn how to manage your finances.
Improve your own self-esteem through the numerous personal growth resources that are now easily available through courses, books and personal coaching.
Stop any addictive habits of trying to surround yourself with too much, often useless, material goods, and decide on what is really important to you in the long run.
The truth is, when people have money problems, it's never really about money.
I've always believed that if we can get to the crux of that problem, then we're 90% of the way there.
This is what I have found.
The main areas that cause money problems are: Lack of self-worth.
Yes, the lack of self-confidence is often the number one cause of lack of money.
Why? Because until you believe you deserve it, you will not take the necessary steps to make it.
Study all successful people and notice how they all have that innate belief that they truly deserve what they achieve.
Have your confused pleasure-seeking with true happiness? Pleasure seeking always leads to over-spending.
Trying to gather too many material things to give you that quick pleasure-fix eventually becomes addictive.
True happiness can only be achieved by what you do - not by what you have.
Lack of training.
Why schools don't teach money management, I'll never know.
Unfortunately, most people can only learn how to manage money from their parents, so if your parents had money problems, you are more than likely to have the same too.
But all is not lost - read books, articles and biographies of successful people and learn how to manage your finances.
Improve your own self-esteem through the numerous personal growth resources that are now easily available through courses, books and personal coaching.
Stop any addictive habits of trying to surround yourself with too much, often useless, material goods, and decide on what is really important to you in the long run.