Are you married? Do you have a secret? Do you keep secrets from your spouse? Do you lead a double life? Why do you not get divorced? Why does your spouse not suspect? If you have answered yes or no to any of these questions, read on.
Marriage today is complicated.
Both partners need to be employed to make ends meet.
This causes stress on the family unit.
Children still need their parents love, attention and most of all need to feel special and secure.
When you are in a long term marriage and you feel your life is on track - why rock the boat? Do you really look for reasons to make yourself unhappy? As long as life runs smoothly on a day to day basis, you and the children are happy - what could happen? When a spouse becomes ill, is in an accident or dies now is the time the blinders can come off.
You really begin to know your partner.
When you start going through their clothes and personal papers the life they have lived will start to unravel.
Nobody can keep a family secret forever.
They could have been: (1)Gay (2)Drugs (3)Alcohol (4)Gambler (5)Affair (6)Sex Maniac (7)Other Your spouse could even have a second family somewhere in the world and you never knew about it.
Not everybody's marriage needs to have secrets and fantasies but keep your eyes and ears open for any sign of deception.
Rock the boat.
Ask questions before it is too late.
Thank you for reading my article.
Please feel free to read other articles on various subjects.
Copyright Linda E.
Meckler 2007
Marriage today is complicated.
Both partners need to be employed to make ends meet.
This causes stress on the family unit.
Children still need their parents love, attention and most of all need to feel special and secure.
When you are in a long term marriage and you feel your life is on track - why rock the boat? Do you really look for reasons to make yourself unhappy? As long as life runs smoothly on a day to day basis, you and the children are happy - what could happen? When a spouse becomes ill, is in an accident or dies now is the time the blinders can come off.
You really begin to know your partner.
When you start going through their clothes and personal papers the life they have lived will start to unravel.
Nobody can keep a family secret forever.
They could have been: (1)Gay (2)Drugs (3)Alcohol (4)Gambler (5)Affair (6)Sex Maniac (7)Other Your spouse could even have a second family somewhere in the world and you never knew about it.
Not everybody's marriage needs to have secrets and fantasies but keep your eyes and ears open for any sign of deception.
Rock the boat.
Ask questions before it is too late.
Thank you for reading my article.
Please feel free to read other articles on various subjects.
Copyright Linda E.
Meckler 2007