The placement of breast implants will have an impact on the final aesthetic results of your breast augmentation surgery. Your plastic surgeon will suggest placement either above or below your muscle depending on factors such as your current breast size, the amount of breast tissue you have, and your lifestyle choices.
Subglandular implants are placed underneath your breast tissue, on top of the muscles in your chest. This implant option is sometimes called submammary, or over the muscle.
Advantages of Subglandular Implants
The largest advantage of subglandular breast implant placement is surgical. Because the muscles in your chest do not need to be manipulated, the surgery is less invasive. Allowing for easier placement with less surgical intervention, the recovery time from subglandular placement is often three to four times faster than with other options. In addition, this placement allows for easier access should your implants need to be removed and replaced due to rupture or capsular contracture.
Over the muscle implants also give your surgeon increased control over creating a strong, pronounced cleavage. Particularly helpful for women whose breasts are widely spaced, subglandular placement can help produce a fuller, more feminine look.
Women who lift weights may also benefit more form this placement. Submammary placement allows your implants to remain unaffected by flexion of the muscles. Many women who engage in this form of exercise find implants placed under the muscle bulge and look unnatural during their exercise routine.
Disadvantages of Subglandular Implants
Subglandular placement in breast augmentation enjoys a faster surgery and recovery time, but may not be ideal for everyone. Because they are placed above the muscle, implants may appear rounder and be more noticeable than those placed under the muscle. Over the muscle placement also does less to conceal ripples and wrinkles in the implant. Particularly for women with less breast tissue, this placement may provide aesthetic imperfections and can be especially problematic for saline breast implants.
Subglandular implants may be more likely to impede milk flow in breastfeeding women and can also interfere with mammograms. Women with subglandular implants should schedule an MRI every three years to properly detect breast cancer. This implant placement is also more likely to cause capsular contracture, a painful condition that may require the removal and replacement of your breast implant.
You have options when selecting a placement for your breast implant, and no two options are ideal for every body. Working closely with a board-certified plastic surgeon, the implant placement option that will best meet your needs can be determined.
Subglandular implants are placed underneath your breast tissue, on top of the muscles in your chest. This implant option is sometimes called submammary, or over the muscle.
Advantages of Subglandular Implants
The largest advantage of subglandular breast implant placement is surgical. Because the muscles in your chest do not need to be manipulated, the surgery is less invasive. Allowing for easier placement with less surgical intervention, the recovery time from subglandular placement is often three to four times faster than with other options. In addition, this placement allows for easier access should your implants need to be removed and replaced due to rupture or capsular contracture.
Over the muscle implants also give your surgeon increased control over creating a strong, pronounced cleavage. Particularly helpful for women whose breasts are widely spaced, subglandular placement can help produce a fuller, more feminine look.
Women who lift weights may also benefit more form this placement. Submammary placement allows your implants to remain unaffected by flexion of the muscles. Many women who engage in this form of exercise find implants placed under the muscle bulge and look unnatural during their exercise routine.
Disadvantages of Subglandular Implants
Subglandular placement in breast augmentation enjoys a faster surgery and recovery time, but may not be ideal for everyone. Because they are placed above the muscle, implants may appear rounder and be more noticeable than those placed under the muscle. Over the muscle placement also does less to conceal ripples and wrinkles in the implant. Particularly for women with less breast tissue, this placement may provide aesthetic imperfections and can be especially problematic for saline breast implants.
Subglandular implants may be more likely to impede milk flow in breastfeeding women and can also interfere with mammograms. Women with subglandular implants should schedule an MRI every three years to properly detect breast cancer. This implant placement is also more likely to cause capsular contracture, a painful condition that may require the removal and replacement of your breast implant.
You have options when selecting a placement for your breast implant, and no two options are ideal for every body. Working closely with a board-certified plastic surgeon, the implant placement option that will best meet your needs can be determined.