Sometimes it's just easier to walk to your destination instead of using your car, bike or motorcycle to travel, especially if it's only a short distance. But if you live in a city, you might not want to do that because of the pollution, traffic and risk of running into unsavory characters along the way. But there is another form of walking that is actually worth it and many people do it not only for health reasons but also for their mental well-being. Hiking is walking but you usually do it in natural environments, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. You do your hiking up in the mountains where you can walk in the midst of nature, where the natural wonders of this earth is least disturbed by human presence. Many studies in fact, have shown the various healthful benefits of hiking so that people are beginning to take up this great pastime more than ever. But even as hiking is as natural as walking through lush mountains, through trails and paths not frequented by other people, you still need to have certain skill levels to do it without putting yourself in danger or any kind risks to your limbs. It would help that you learn the basics of hiking do's and don'ts, of skills that would help you avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations where you could get injured. Preparation and planning are essentials of safe hiking. It wouldn't do you any good if after a hike you come home more stressed because you underestimated the distance or difficulty of the trail, or worse, you are injured because you failed to assess the risks of going through a particularly unfamiliar route. Having the right accessories and equipment will greatly help you hike safely and thus make you enjoy it more because you know what you need to do and when to ask for assistance. You can start by getting high quality hiking gear and carry them with you and in your backpack when you hike. There are many online stores that sell hiking equipment and accessories such as hiking boots and shoes, backpacks and the necessary clothing. Other important hiking accessories include compasses, binoculars, headlamps, flashlights, knives, mosquito nets, multi-tools, water bottles including water filtration and purification devices, stoves, GPS, waterproof cases, self-inflating mats, hiking poles, ponchos, and other items that will make your hiking safer, more comfortable, more enjoyable and more exciting. With or without these gears and accessories, the most important thing to consider is that you are prepared, which means you are able to avoid risks and thus enjoy your hiking experience the best way you can.