Business & Finance Outsourcing

What to Look for When Hiring Physician Peer Review Support Services

Insurance companies as well as medical-legal entities can do well with the efficient support of a reliable medical record review company, when it comes to organizing and managing their numerous medical records related to medical malpractice, general negligence and personal injury cases. When planning to hire physician peer review support services, there are some important factors to consider to make sure that you are getting the service you are looking for.

Customized Medical Review Services to Address Your Requirements

The company you hire should be capable of working as an extension of your practice, offering round-the-clock support if you require it. Ideally, it should have a dedicated team that would take care of your medical record review tasks. The services should cover every aspect such as transcribing, finding, reviewing, interpreting and analyzing your medical records. When you say customized, the solutions offered by the medical peer review company should be developed in partnership with you so that the professionals there understand your unique requirements and offer the correct solutions. So, when hiring your partner company see that it has the technological expertise and qualified support staff you are looking for.

A reliable medical record review company would provide efficient reviewing of all relevant medical records such as general records, hospital medical records, assessment records, diagnostic records, therapy records and more. It would also ensure that all tasks entrusted are completed within your required turnaround time.

Physician Peer Review Services to Look for

Consider whether the medical record review company provides the following indispensable services:
  • Sorting and organizing the medical records
  • Identifying the components of the medical records
  • Retrieving patient information
  • Collecting, classifying, and capturing information by data type
  • Listing data such as demographic characteristics, medical care received, diagnostic procedures, therapy notes, and treatment, and arranging it in a chronological order
  • Listing all records [imaging records included], and documents reviewed
  • Enumerating all objective tests performed

Ensure Safety of Medical Information

Physician peer review support is advantageous in complex care management issues, sentinel events, workers' compensation cases, disability claims, group health claims, liability claims, physician specific quality issues, and so on. It is vital, though to ensure that the medical information you entrust with the company is kept confidential and secure. Check whether the medical record review firm is fully HIPAA compliant, ensure that it has secure modes of file transfer and also find out what other security measures the firm has implemented to safeguard your medical data. Once you are satisfied with all arrangements and facilities, you can sign up for its medical peer review support and benefit from cost-effective services.
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